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    Friday October 31st 2003
    Easy Listening? 1:01 am-
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    Gawain has a radio station you can find right here. He usually has this german heavy metal kind of stuff playing, which isn’t a bad thing. I’m starting to like some of this german shit. But his newest line up is something a little more to my liking.

    I don’t think I have often talked about the music I listen to. I don’t really label the stuff I listen to, but I have been told it’s “easy listening” and “golden oldies” even. I listen to Billy Joel, Huey Lewis, The Beatles, and of course Frank Sinatra. I guess if I had to pick a label, Gawain’s definition would fit.

    Thanks to my whining (har har) you can all hear two (only two? Bah!) classic Joel tunes off of his excellent Stormfront album. Both Leningrad and Downeaster Alexa are favorites of mine off of that album. So go on over and check out Moral Rust Radio and tell him the easy listening whiner sent you.

    Views: 885
    Wednesday October 29th 2003
    Training Day 2 10:12 am-
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    So mondays training was what I feared it would be. It’s funny because I’ve gone through this kind of training now more times than I care to remember. Call it what you want this shit is all the same. Whether it’s First Concern or Great Expectations. It’s all the same thing. Bullshit common sense stuff. Do I treat a guest like they are a total fuck or do I just suck it up and kiss their ass good? It’s pretty simple, or is it?

    And you have to see these fucking video’s they make us watch. Let me tell you they won’t be winning any awards for acting. Which to me makes me wonder what the fuck they even make this shit for. I mean quality of the material makes me question the competence of the people who made this shit. If some fucking chuckle head over at Ramada has no idea how to make a decent movie, how do I know he knows what he’s talking about when it comes to training?

    Tonight we get to roleplay. And this isn’t D&D roleplaying. This is that kind of roleplaying that is not fun. It’s the Bob here is the guest and Joe is the employee kind of roleplaying. And Bob has a problem that Joe has to solve. I used to hate that kind of shit. Until I figured out I can have fun with it. Which just means I like to fuck with the whole training process, if I can.

    On the positive side it’s cool I finally got to meet the new front desk manager. It’s really cool to see management give someone who’s only been in the hospitality business for three years a job.

    We also did the “say your name and what you do” thing. Which is always fun. I said my name and told them what I did. But I was asked how long I have been doing the audit and I couldn’t remember how long I’ve been doing it. It’s been a long time I know that. I just can’t remember. It doesn’t matter really I suppose.

    Views: 1,540
    Monday October 27th 2003
    Training Day 3:47 pm-
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    So this training I mentioned a few posts ago starts tonight. In less than twenty minutes actually. I’m interested in what will be taught at this training. I wonder if it will be useful or just jerk off common sense bullshit as I suspect.

    Views: 746
    Friday October 24th 2003
    Indy On DVD! 11:13 pm-
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    Are you hip? Have you wanted certain movies on DVD and have had to wait? Well I’m happy to tell (in case you didn’t know) the Indiana Jones movies are on DVD now. It’s a 4 disc set that just came out. You can get it in pan and scan or widescreen and it’s about 50 bucks for the set. I looked like Indy in the screen capture of course when I picked up my copy at Walmart on the 21st at 12:30am. Yeah I’m a geek.

    Indy On DVD!

    What you get is the three movies and one bonus disk with a bunch of stuff. What you don’t get is any commentaries or deleted scenes. I’m not complaining mind you.

    Now all I need to be happy in life is the original Star Wars films on DVD. And I want both the original un digitized version and the super duper digitally enhanced versions. It’s just that I want to see Han shoot first. And I want commentaries damn it.

    Views: 1,004
    Train This! 7:39 am-
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    So we have training coming up. Which just makes me all happy inside and I’m singing the “happy happy joy joy” song from Ren and Stimpy. I also enjoy the fact that someone new is going to train me. Now it all depends on the type of training of course.

    If the training is related to the realm of the computer, well I don’t see what someone who’s been here since the 14th of this month is going to be able to teach. Of course if it’s the standard bore me out of my mind customer training, then I guess I could be taught all kinds of shit. Shit I admit I may need that kind of training for obvious reasons. Here is something I heard and it made me laugh:

    This is mandatory training. If you cannot attend the times or days specified, you will need to contact <the person> and schedule a time that you can attend training. If you choose not to attend or do not make arrangements for other times and dates, you do not need come back to work.

    It’s this part that almost sounds inviting “you do not need come back to work”, at least to me it does. I’m kidding of course. It also sounds almost like a dare, maybe even a double dare. And the time good for me? Let’s say any time between 10 pm and 8 am, ok? And on the days I work.

    Do you know what they say about first impressions? It the first meeting that leaves the best impression, or is that just me? I like how I have yet to even meet this person. Of course it’s cool. But if I was to become the guy (or gal) in charge, I would make sure to meet all of my employees. It would be imperative to do so. You wouldn’t want any one getting the wrong impression.

    But of course I’m very sure this new person has heard all about me from my buddies at the hotel. I wanted to take the opportunity to be the first to say hello. Welcome to the hotel and all that. With some luck they may last longer than some of the other managers that held the position.

    Views: 973
    Tuesday October 21st 2003
    Good/Evil 6:26 pm-
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    Well it’s another fun link I found from Gawain. This one is called The Gematriculator and it rates a site good or evil in percentages. Below are my results:

    This site is certified 53% GOOD by the Gematriculator This site is certified 47% EVIL by the Gematriculator

    So going by Gawain’s results my site is 41% more evil than his site. Of course being the kind of guy to tinker with this kind of shit I found that the results do vary based on the words it picks up on your pages. Just hit this url and see the different results my humble site gets. Eviler than Gawain? It could be possible.

    Views: 884
    Saturday October 18th 2003
    Tunak, WTF? 2:41 am-
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    It’s Gawain’s fault. I want that to be known in advance. But I’m like totally mesmerized by this. But I’m getting ahead of myself. When at work I kind of depend on Gawain, he keeps me entertained while I’m at work. He sends me funky links, music, just all kinds of shit. But this latest one just is strange.

    It has to be seen and heard to understand. Below are six screen captures of this video. To play it you need the latest Real Player. You can find a copy of it here (hopefully, work internet blocks Real.com). Once your good to go with the software follow this link to the video (local copy) or here (external link) if mine doesn’t work.

    Tunak, WTF? Tunak, WTF?
    Tunak, WTF? Tunak, WTF?
    Tunak, WTF? Tunak, WTF?

    Of course it’s this video that just blows my mind. I did a little research on the dude who sings it with varying results. I really only want to know what the hell the dude is singing. Because the video is a trip. I’m not sure what the hell is going on in it.The guy is named Daler Mehndi. He has a website even, which can be found here. If you dig this guys music and need more head over top this fan page here which offers a few more Real files and a few mp3. And if you really fancy this guy and his music you can become an ordained minister in his religion. I even found a link to a page about the cars this dude owns, which has a funny quote:

    “I went to America in 1986 when I was in my teens but kept coming back to India to pursue my singing career. In the US, where my brother had a cab company and 16 cars, I have driven Chevrolets, a Mustang, Lincolns and Cadillacs,” said Daler.

    I only mention it just because of the stereotype one assumes about people from that part of the world. Strange stuff. But oddly entertaining. Remember you have been warned.

    Views: 967
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