There was another front desk meeting today. It went pretty good. None of the meetings the young front desk manager runs are that bad really. It was funny that she no longer uses the phrase “get on/off the bus” anymore. I would like to think that the lack of this phrase form her spiel could be thanks to me and Gawain’s combined efforts.
A topic that was brought up is this mythical management company that runs the show for the owner. Now I think of these people in the same way one does of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. Because all I ever hear from others are these supposed sightings of these people. I have never seen one myself, so I’ll just go on believing that these management people are the stuff of legend. All though I would like to try to capture one. You know for the sake of science. Learn about their mating habits, their culture, and anything else that will help mankind understand these creatures that manage the hotel.
And look who has a website now. And if you want to torture yourself before viewing the “content” of this site take a look at their horrendous intro page. Whomever designed this site most be ashamed of their work because there is no clear indication on who is responsible for getting the hotel on the net. And let me just say that I had nothing to do with that site. I happen to be very against these intro type pages. I myself hate that kind of shit. I want to get to the content, not listen to some shitty flash intro.
And what’s even funnier is the fact whomever made this site didn’t take an effort to get some new images of the hotel. I can see quite a few images taken directly from a Holiday Inn era brochure on at least two pages. And as it happens Troy is in two if those pictures. I don’t think he will be to happy to see his image associated with this hotel.