The word at the hotel is that the payroll checks are bouncing. The payroll checks are bouncing, it really needs repeating. Has the place finally got that bad? It’s bad enough that these assholes can’t pay their bills. But now they can’t pay their employees?
I think that this is the start of the end. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s recap some of the action at the front desk. It appears that the sheriff has been shooting his mouth of out front that no one at the front desk is any good. It’s the kind of brilliant shit this fucking retard really needs to think first before he does open his mouth. Since the only good desk clerk we have took offense to this (and the paycheck bouncing) has put in her two week notice.
Congratulations sheriff! My boss is a pussy no more? Or is it that on top of being a pussy my boss is possible an idiot as well? Speaking of the idiot. It seems that that is one of those things that will never be fixed. Life must go on. But I think that before the idiot is taken care of the hotel will close. Or maybe it will keep going. Who knows.
All I know is that if my check bounces I won’t be going to work until it’s taken care of. I can sit at home and not get payed to surf the net and play games. I’ll be damned if I’m going to have to surf the net and play games at work and not get payed for it.