A while ago we had this problem where the phone would ring three times in a row every five minutes. After a number of days it was fixed. Now it is back. The first time it happened I would answer each fucking call like it was a real call. Because I hate getting my spiel cut off. Even if it’s me doing the cutting.
It’s just one of those ticks of mine. I have to say the whole fucking thing or I’m just not happy. But not this time. Fuck them. Every five minutes I answer and release three time in a row. Answer Release, Answer Release, Answer Release. I’m not even bothering to pick up the phone. If it’s a real person they will call back. If it’s a real person and they don’t call back? Well fuck them.
This kind of thing will never be fixed. It will only get a temporary fix. The shit will break again. The hotel is to cheap to fix anything the right way. It’s a good thing I just don’t give a shit anymore.