How about an update on the new night auditor? Because it really is funny in a sad way. As I may have mentioned there is a new night auditor to replace (who can’t be replaced) the one who left. This person has had four days of training. Two days of front desk training and two days of audit training. Four fucking days total.
This is a case of her being able to pick the shit up in four days. Not that it is that complicated. Now supposedly this lady has experience in the hotel field. Apparently she has experience doing the night audit as well. She must have lots of experience to make more than me right? Four days training and the fact she is making more than me say to me that she should be able to pick it up in four days. But I’m beginning to wonder.
Today the new auditor worked the first shift. As a bonus this four day trained person is training another new person. Nothing like the blind leading the blind huh? First shift I think is fairly simple. You check people out. At this hotel that is about what they do. You can’t expect to much from the candidates we get here. They also “balance” credit cards.
This in itself has become a huge joke. The thing is I expect any night auditor that makes more than me to be able to at the least balance credit cards. Below will be visual aids for auditors who know what I’m talking about (and people who can read and do basic math as well). First we have scanned pictures of the new auditors “balanced” credit cards for her first shift. Visa and Amex is all she had at first glance. These open in a new window:
Now when I first looked at her paper work it looked fine. It’s when I started to actually look at the reports that WinPM generates that I started to get confused. And at first I overlooked the obvious. Here is her Amex Report and this is her Visa Report. If you compare the reports to her adding machine tape bunch of folios you can clearly see (if you can read and do basic math) that her shit does not balance.
Now I’m thinking to myself maybe she forgot to remove folios that she may have adjusted off because of a mistake or costumer complaint. So I pushed the amex/visa to the side and started with mastercards and discover. The new auditor also had mastercards and discovers according to the reports I use to balance. Yet she had no paper clipped folios with the adding machine tape to show she balanced them. You have to remember I am assuming that this new auditor at the very least can read and do simple math.
Foolish me. Once I printed up her Mastercard Report and her Discover Report did it start to become clear what had happened. Well not clear but I knew what she did I should say. Her mastercards were in with her visas folios. Her discovers were in with her amex folios.
I literally laughed out loud when it dawned on me what she had done. The new night auditor is fucking stupid. This may seem harsh. Look again at those first two scans. Do you see how the words American Express and Visa are highlighted in yellow? She did that herself with a yellow highlighter. Every folio of hers is highlighted like that. Whether it be amex, visa. mastercard, or discover.
She took the time to highlight the shit. If she can read she should be able to see that her folios did not balance. She’s the one who added the folios up. So either she doesn’t now how to balance credit cards or the new night auditor can not read or do basic math. What do you think it is?
It amazes me even more when I remember that this new auditor is making more money than me. Perhaps if I was an idiot who can not read or do basic math I would get a raise? Maybe I need to start acting like the rest of these retards we call front desk clerks and night auditors. Maybe then I will get a raise. Because at this point I’m so fucking depressed in my current work situation that I maybe willing to act like the rest of these tards if that will get me a raise.