333.8. A very minor loss of .4 pounds. We had Thanksgiving early since this week will be pretty busy with my Nephews operation and recovery. All things considered I’m happy for even the .4 that I lost. Very happy I didn’t gain any. Going to be a tough week and I’m going to have to stay strong. I can’t give in to wanting to eat any troubles away.
334.2. A loss of 5 pounds (4.8 technically). Now I know I shouldn’t obsess about the numbers. But it baffles me how I lost weight this week. Lets say due to the election in two days I managed to eat 8 donuts. Wednesday night I ate a whole bag of Doritos in one sitting along with my meal. I guess thanks to all this happening on the days I walk maybe that some how cushioned the weight gain. I have tried really hard to stay at the 1500 calorie daily goal. I just don’t get how this dieting thing works. But I am damn happy about the 5 pounds believe me. 34 more pounds till hitting 300.
339.0. I gained a pound (.08 technically). I had Halloween to deal with, did one night of moderate beer drinking, and ate biscuits and gravy with a small hash browns at Hardee’s. So overall I think I’m lucky it was only 1 pound. I’m not loosing any sleep over my gain. Just going to try to hit my 1500 daily calorie goal again this week.
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