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    Thursday November 5th 1998
    Joke Of the Day 3:00 am-
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    Joke of the day….

    A woman walks into a supermarket and buys :
    1 bar of soap
    1 toothbrush
    1 tube toothpaste
    1 loaf of bread
    1 pint of milk
    1 single serving cereal
    1 single serving frozen dinner
    The guy at the checkout looks at her and says “Single are you?”
    The woman replies very sarcastically “How did you guess?”
    He replies “because you’re fucking ugly”

    Views: 915
    Wednesday November 4th 1998
    A little Of This, A Little Of That 3:00 am-
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    First My Friend Scott had this to say in the GuestBook:

    Turk, my e-mail isn’t working right on the sending end of the deal. However I am able to receive messages. I tried to send you some long e-mail but then I got pissed because it didn’t go through. There is a lot that needs to be discussed. I am so in the dark about what the hell is going on here with this rumor and its possible implications to you or me. What the hell are you trying to insinuate? Like I said please e-mail me with your story and then I’ll call your house and get back to you. RSVP ASAP

    He also sent me a e-mail explaining what I had suspected. The easiest way to win a war is to get the troops to fight amongst themselves. It make it a whole lot easier cleaning up. I never doubted you Scott. I was just making sure. You are to passionate to be not telling the truth. That is one of the things I like about you. I had to be sure. Sometimes war is hell.

    I had a lot of feedback concerning this rumor business. Here’s one from Liono who was rather spastic:

    Rumors!????!!!!!???? Hey whoever is spreading the rumors. Please email your IP address email address and name to Liono23@aol.com. I will personally kick your immature ass off your computer. Physically and electronically. Your choice.

    We also had Involved check in again on this whole controversy.

    I just want to know where the hell I’ve been. This rumor hasn’t even been mentioned to me or I would have told you of it. Who the hell is stupid enough to say something so ignorant when all you have to do is come to the site and check it out for yourself?
    If someone really wants to hurt you, then just give them the knife to stick in your back, I truthfully think it would be less painless then what they are doing.

    So to my pet mole I say this keep this up it. This little plot has brought my hits back up. I wish I knew who you were so I could thank you personally. I am in your debt for this. The easiest thing you could do to kill this site was to make sure you didn’t make wave. But, you did so you can pat yourself on the back. And if you let me know who you are you have a check in the mail for all the hits you sent my way. Consider your self on the HOTELBLUES.COM payroll. And to all the rest of you I love all of you. Make love not war as Spider would say. If Harpy 9 only knew what a retard this guy is. He’s in love. Its sick I know. I offered to rip his hart with a blunt spoon and save him the trouble, but alas Spider is a obstinate heretic.

    Views: 1,091
    Tuesday November 3rd 1998
    The End Could Be Nigh 3:00 am-
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    In the last month this site has taken a life of its own. two rumors regarding this site have sprung up. Rumor number one was that I had reported on this site about the GM’s secretary being fired a week before she was actually fired. Ok that’s a rumor that I don’t mind, it give the site a kind of myth I am looking for. Rumor two really fucking pisses me off. Which I won’t go in to details, because I have some morals (right Scott?). It involves the sexual orientation of a person being discussed on this page along with nude pictures. the person in question hasn’t taken this rumor to well. Some of you have that lack of character to make smartass remarks to the person.

    My number one rule on this site is that I will not touch a person sexual orientation with a ten foot poll on this site. No fucking way. I’m crazy not stupid. If I wanted to discuss a persons sexuality I could have opened fire along time ago. But I didn’t. If I ever go into a discussion about one’s sexual preference it will be about me not any one else.

    Second because of the agreement with the place that is hosting my website I can not have any nude or pornographic content on this site. And if I was stupid enough to make fun of a person I sure as shit would not go after a peon like my self. I would go for the big cheese.

    Back to these childish fucks who are spreading these rumors. You people are scum. I won’t name your names on this site because I don’t need too. You know who you are. At work I won’t say anything either. I’ll just give you a wink and you will know who I am talking about. But really, if any of you who have heard this, told this, or know who started this please give me a ring or e-mail. I would welcome any feedback on this situation that I can get. If there was ever a time that I ask for my readers to show signs of support it is now. take a stand. If you people read this site even a little you know that this shit is totally untrue. Its just that I don’t want to be fired for shit I haven’t even done.

    That is all.

    Views: 960
    Sunday November 1st 1998
    Me Bad!! 3:00 am-
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    Really quick, before I walk across the field to my loving job. I get to train the poor new girl for two days. I get her tonight and then in a couple of days. I am in a bad mood, so I am going to take it out on her.

    Views: 726
    Friday October 30th 1998
    Science Fiction Becomes Reality 3:00 am-
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    I don’t think I have to tell any one it has been a fucked up week, it has. Most of this you will find to outrageous to believe. Since my freak accident on the 26th I have given my “war” with the hotel a stop. I have not checked e-mail since the accident and I have not updated this site since the 26th. You may have noticed I said “I have not updated this site since the 26th”. A person claiming to be me has posted as me since after the 26th. This is the outrageous part.

    The easiest way to explain is to ask if any of you are familiar with the classic Star trek episode Mirror, Mirror? Its like this Kirk and crew get transported over to a alternate universe where everything is the opposite from the real universe. In Kirk’s universe the Federation is a good guy United Nations kind of organization who looks out for other worlds, in the cracked fucked up universe the Federation is a despotic fascist regime hell-bent on conquering.

    Good Spock. Bad Spock.

    Well its the same thing with what’s happened with me! A twisted ass kissing corporate shill has came over some how and has tried to ruin my good name. I dubbed this twisted ass kissing corporate shill the Anti-Turk. My good buddy Spider is back. His part of the site is back. So don’t fret dear readers everything is under control. My twisted ass kissing corporate shill doppelganger has been caught and will not cause any more mayhem on this site.

    Views: 852
    Thursday October 29th 1998
    The Change 3:00 am-
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    Just to let you people know, Spider is no longer part of this website. His attitude will not be tolerated. If you look on the contents page on the left you will see his column has been removed. I feel that if my employer is generous to pay me I should at least honor his request of not discussing pertinent hotel information. If any responsible employees wish to contribute to this website they can e-mail with their ideas. You trouble makers will be ignored.

    Views: 812
    Tuesday October 27th 1998
    A New Perspective 3:00 am-
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    Since the freak accident yesterday I have been thinking about my so called battle over my right of free speech regarding my website. It has been a one sided war so far. Since my employers first warning nothing else has been said about my site. I feel that I may have blown the whole thing out of proportion. In fact I have done all of the managers a serious wrong in the way I have refereed to them on the website. I see now that it has been me that was wrong.

    I see now that I should not discuss hotel business in the manner that I did. I also have made reference to the managers being Fascists because of their proclamation of no “pertinent hotel information” on this website. My boss is a very kind and patient man for putting up with my attitude for as long as he has. I apologize to him and all of the rest of the managers I have wronged. They (the managers) are only looking out for the welfare of the hotel. I will from here out try to run my website in a more responsible manner.

    Views: 754
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