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    Wednesday July 23rd 2008
    This And That 5:38 am-
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    I took down my resume page. I did this because I think someone was able to figure out where I work (not hard as I list the hotel by name on the resume) and call for me there. The second shift guy told me they asked to talk to Turk of Hotelblues.com. Not the kind of thing I want to hear in the real world. I’ve talked about this before here. The last time it happened it was an old friend. this time it was a complete stranger. For whatever fucked up reason I consider that crossing some boundary.

    Some chick working at a hotel in ohio found me via this google search ”gf management” and found my search page for those words. Now on the search results page it grabs the text around the search terms and highlights the terms. To help one find what they maybe looking for. Now on the search page for the terms ”gf management” it has two results. First one makes no sense it is a post on Firefox plugins. No words highlighted on that one. The second result is a post from 2004 about the management company that managed the hotel that I never ever saw. So I referred to them as something like the make believe beasts like Bigfoot of the Lock Ness Monster.

    So prior to this post the only place one finds ”gf management” was that post. The gf was in the word bigfoot. Management shows up all over the place. But only in that one post with the term gf. The search page pretty much spells this out for you. But apparently that blurb of the search results and the highlighted words were to much for this person to comprehend. And in general I don’t want to associate with people with poor reading comprehension.

    What irritates me more is that this person tried to tell me what is on my website. She was pretty sure she had read the terms gf management in a post of mine and wanted to get the dirt on them. Now call me silly, but I do happen to know what is on my site. In fact I’ve noticed that I get quite a few hits from google for the terms gf management. Let me say right now I have no clue what GF Management is like. I have no clue if they are good or bad. And I don’t care. Look around on the net. Do not call me at work. Email me or get ahold of me on aim. From here on in I’m not answering to the name Turk in the real world. Unless your really cute and want to do horribly nasty sexual things to me. And I would want picture for proof. Now you people looking for dirt on this GF Management can fuck off and leave me alone.

    Views: 1,522
    Thursday July 3rd 2008
    Another Raise 12:02 am-
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    Well about one year and one month after my first raise with this new hotel I get this in my email from my boss:

    To: Turk
    Date: Jul 2, 2008 3:15 PM
    Subject: FYI:

    A late welcome back from your week away. I wanted to let you know, there is a change in your pay rate, your new rate of pay increase is $0.35.

    This will show on your check that will be here on Thursday.

    Talk to you soon.

    This is the first time for two things. First he welcomed me back from vacation. Next I got another raise. At the worst hotel ever things were so different. The post marks the last time I got a raise at the shithole. And the way I was greeted from the end of vacation was getting fired.

    I did not even ask for a raise. I did not hint about the idea of getting a raise even. The place continues to surprise me in a good way.

    Views: 1,437
    Friday June 20th 2008
    Work Report 12:13 am-
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    So the two ladies come down to the desk. They both have key problems. The one lady gives the correct room number for her keys. The second lady gets some numbers mixed up and tells me the wrong number. This is an important part of this story.

    So two ladies come down because their keys are not working in their room doors. I ask them if when the key were used if the lock flashed a green light or a red light. Red they say. I reply that this is a good thing. They ask why this is a good thing. I tell them that it is good because it means that neither the lock is broken or they (the guests) did it wrong.

    That is when the lady who tells me the wrong room number for her keys corrects me that the guest is always right. The old lady scolded me like I was some kid who told a lie. The customers are generally speaking always wrong. I will not spit out this manager bullshit speak about the customers always being right. It is a gigantic load of shit.

    So I go about my business making the right keys for the lady who did not put her foot in her mouth. For my costumer who says she is always right I make the keys for the room number she gave me. This was the wrong room. The keys will work, but it is not the room this know it all is in.

    The bit with me giving her the keys to the wrong room was chance. I did not check to see if it was wrong or right. Fate stepped in and provided all with proof that the customer is not always right. The even better part was when they came for the correct keys the always right customer did not come down to get them. I made it a point to ask if the keys were for the lady who said customers were always right. The lady who came for the keys said yes. I smiled and gave her the keys for the old lady who thinks customers are always right. Vacation starts tomorrow. Nine glorious days off.

    Views: 1,008
    Monday June 16th 2008
    Conan Level 30 4:27 am-
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    I made level 30 in Age of Conan.

    Turk Level 30

    Perfect time to do a new poll. Simple yes or no question.

    Are you playing Age of Conan?

    View Results

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    Saturday May 31st 2008
    Conan Fatalities 11:16 am-
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    I’ve been meaning to capture a few of the Age of Conan fatalities in action and finally got around to it. These movies are much smaller than that gameplay movie I did.

    Click To Play Click To Play
    Click To Play

    There are a few others. For example I’ve seen my barbarian clobber a mob over and over with his hammer when pulling off a fatality. So I think it depends on the weapons equipped. Cool stuff.

    [drain file 53 show]

    [drain file 54 show]

    These videos uses the xvid codec.

    Views: 1,177
    Tuesday May 27th 2008
    Conan Gameplay Video 2:06 am-
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    Seeing screenshots of a game is one thing. It so better to see it in action. Here is just about 5 minutes of gameplay from the game Age of Conan. And it does not contain any emo fucking music in the background. I hate that bullshit with a passion. So what you hear in the video is what you hear when you play the game. At the time of the video was taken I was a level 25 barbarian.

    Click To Play
    Click To Play

    File info is below. You can right click and save the file if you don’t want it opening up in whatever it is you have videos opening in on your computer.

    [drain file 52 show]

    This video uses the xvid codec.

    Views: 1,367
    Friday May 23rd 2008
    More Conan 2:41 pm-
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    So I made level 20 on my barbarian. I’m quite enjoying AoC on a number of levels. You got boobs, gore, death, and great views. Visually it is quite impresive. If you have a computer that can handle it.

    Headlights Gore and Death Great View

    The melee combat also deserves mentioning. First and foremost there is no auto attack in Age of Conan. In other mmorpg’s you can start combat and sit back. Your character will attack his opponent till one of them dies. Granted a lot of these types of games have more interactivity than just that. But in Conan you can’t just hit a button to start combat.

    In Age of Conan your first three hot bar buttons are your basic attacks,

    Combat Keys

    Upper Left, Middle, and Upper Right. You can use these attacks by themselves and they do not continue to auto attack once you hit them. You do have special abilities (like in other mmo’s) but they are combos so you have to hit a combination of these combat keys to successfully pull of your move. These share a lot in common with attacks in a fighting game. This comparison gets even closer to the fighting game genre when you find out when you kill a badguy there is a chance you will get a fatality. When you do it can be a bloody mess.

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