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    Saturday August 19th 2000
    The GuestBook 3:17 am-
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    Next up we got another entry from Karstaedt:

    Where did you here about my site: it was written on a urinal!
    Hey Chris, wassssssup! Just thought I would let you know RindFleisch (in English translation that is ground meat!) has been visiting your website. I wonder if he has told you? Any ways I am bored off my ass and thought I would drop you line and see wasssssup! Hey, if you ever here from Ross, give me his e-mail address or give him mine. Oh before I go a person who shall remain nameless (K#v$n) likes to wear black leather panties! Hahahaha!

    Crazy is all I can say. I wish Ground Meat would write again, I miss the big lug. My question where is the urinal with my website address located at?

    Views: 1,172
    The Guestbook 3:16 am-
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    I had some activity in the guest book, which has been slow lately. First we have an entry from the brother of Harpy number six. Who had this to say:

    Where did you here about my site: That one girl
    What’s up Turk. It’s been a while. I almost called you Scott again. I know…I’ll forever rot in hell. I apologize eternally (did I spell this right?) I have a lovely bunch of coconuts….deedily dee. Sorry you had to be witness to that, I again apologize. I’m just chillin’ out at work wasting time. This works just perfect. Get yourself a bonzai-buddy, they fucking rock. He’s a purple gorilla that tells stupid jokes and sings several songs (which are even more stupid). It’s definitely worth trying though so visit the website and see if you can get him for free still. I did and I’m not even half way regretting it. Bonzai-buddy.com, he’ll be your friend till the end. Kisses BOB

    Under the circumstances your forgiven for calling me that dirty word. Now the Bonzai Buddy he’s talking about is indeed cool. Mine’s a parrot. I like how it can read a website to you. Very funny when it reads this page. Speaking of “that one girl” you will have to wish her a happy birthday for me. Any way tell her I said hi.

    Views: 880
    Friday August 11th 2000
    I Hate August! 6:52 am-
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    Warning! I am about to go into sentimental mode. You have been warned.

    I don’t like the month of August. In fact it could be said that I down right hate it. The reason you may ask for me to dislike a month of the year? Simple (yet really complicated) to explain. One of the so called loves of my life was born on the twenty first of this month. So when August comes around I always get sappy. I think about the good times and the mistakes I made.

    It started out me and this girl being acquaintances. We saw each other frequently enough that a friendship eventually started. And it was good for a number of years. We did things together. We hung out and did things as a “couple”. But we were not a boyfriend/girlfriend. We just enjoyed each others company. I eventually met her parents and most of her family. The family liked me. I liked her family. It was all hunky dory. She had a boyfriend that treated her like shit. I would be there for her when she was having some rough times with the guy. And this is when the trouble started.

    Maybe it was seeing her cry, maybe It was talking to her about everything that was going wrong. Maybe it was because I started to feel sorry for her. So I started to try to cheer her up. It became once a week thing. After a while I started to develop feelings for her. One of my friends has compared it to Stockholm Syndrome. You know the thing were hostages develop feelings to their captors? Now I don’t know if that’s how I can explain it. I don’t know. Needless to say I kept my feelings to myself for a long time. But it was getting weird. She knew something was going on. She broke up with the guy that was giving her trouble after a while.

    So one night at a party after I had consumed a mass quantity of alcohol I spilled my guts to her. She took it better than I had imagined. Her reply was that she loved me, yet was not in love with me. That statement confused me for a long time. We stayed friends after my gut spilling. Yet I could tell it was different. Then the love of my life joined the Air Force. We wrote letters to each other for six months or so.

    One day I got a letter from her telling me she had met a guy and that she was going to marry him. I didn’t know what to say. She came home for a week before the wedding and she visited me. She wanted to know if the wedding was local if I would attend. Luck had it the wedding was being held out where she was stationed. It seemed it was important to her that I approve of the wedding. So I did what any noble guy would do. I lied to her. I told her of course I would have gone to the wedding when I knew damn well I wouldn’t have. But it’s what she wanted to hear. So she married the guy.

    We lost touch not to long after that. I don’t see her often, when I do it is awkward. We say hello and ask how each other is doing. But that is the extent of the conversation. I lost a good friend because of the way I felt about her. I don’t like losing friends, it is a sad thing. I hold my friends very dear. My friends sometimes comes before family. All I can do is hope this kind of thing doesn’t happen again. And of course I go on hating August.

    Views: 1,227
    Tuesday August 1st 2000
    This And That 5:53 am-
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    Here is a few links that is a result of my recent Kevin Smith movie binge. If you don’t know who Kevin Smith is I say shame on you. Smith directed Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and Dogma. My favorite is Chasing Amy. It’s got comic book references only comic book geeks can understand. The first link is to Kevin Smith’s production company View Askew. It has news and all kinds of interesting stuff about Kevin Smith’s films. Next is a trivia game based on the films of Kevin Smith. It has you identify quotes from the movie they have sound bites from the films and you have to answer who said it and what film it was from. It’s called Thirty-Seven?!?

    I found out who the Mystery Guest is. I kind of figured it was one of two people. I’m glad it was the putz. The guy is so lazy though, only one sentence? Come up with something better next time.

    Also, Ross I never did get your E-mail. This could because of my ISP wanting more money. So try the @hotelblues.com address, it should work.

    That’s all for now.

    Views: 885
    Friday July 14th 2000
    The Mystery Guest 2:07 pm-
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    Once again the GuestBook was signed by someone who feels I need to be kept in suspense. Here is what they had to say:

    Date: – 07/11/00 23:24:55
    My URL:http://whatever!!!
    My Email:www.whatever!!!.net
    Where: did you here about my site: www.hampsterdance.com
    Whaaaas uuupp!! Did ya miss me? Whatever!?! way off, but it sounds like fun so I’ll run with it this time! so what’s new? Next time I should try out that message board thing. I’m done now. out.

    I really have nothing to say. I’ve been in a bad mood for a couple of weeks so I really just want to be left alone. If you have something to say, then just say it.

    Views: 867
    Tuesday July 4th 2000
    Happy Fourth Of July 6:23 pm-
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    Ok I said I was going to quit for a while. Something in the GuestBook caught my attention.

    Date: – 07/03/00 20:25:52
    My URL:http://figure it out
    Where: did you here about my site: FBI 10 most wanted
    All right all you putz’s! It’s time for the long awaited and much anticipated debut of one of your favorite targets. here goes: whaaaas uuup! that’s all you get for now.

    Ok I love a challenge. This whole entry from the guest book has me intrigued. I used to listen to my gut instincts, so if I still did I would make a guess who this is. My gut instincts recently had a massive failure, so I’m just going to wait as the suspense kills me. Oh yeah one more thing, whaaas uuuppp!!! Or maybe a more appropriate whatever!!!

    Views: 887
    Saturday July 1st 2000
    An Announcement 8:59 pm-
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    I just wanted to say that the site won’t be updated for a while. It’s not a closing, more along the lines of a extended sabbatical. I will still monitor the site and respond to any e-mails I get. Not that there has been a slew of response to the site as of late. I want to thank I Should Be Working for the boost in hits.

    Those of you who really want to get a hold of me you know where I live. As usual if any one wants to contribute to the site get a hold of me. Again thanks.

    Views: 949
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