Wow I step away from the computer for a couple of days and look what happens. I love when I get people who sign the GuestBook like this:
Date: 15 Nov 2000
Time: 17:32:20Comments:
This site, like your insignificant existence, is fucking worthless. Maybe if you got up off your ass and did something with your life instead of showing the world how boring it is then maybe you would have meaningful relationships and not be destined for a lonely meaningless existence.
Of course the above was not signed, that’s what I would expect. So I’ll refer to this guy/gal as Assface. What can I say? In the past I would argue with Assface. Not today. In fact Assface is absolutely right. I will say I have heard a rant like this before. Nope I won’t comment. I’m not going to give Assface the satisfaction.
Ok I lied. Boring? What in the fuck do you want from me Assface? Last time I checked most people on this huge planet we call Earth have boring lives. Let’s take it apart piece by piece.
This site, like your insignificant existence, is fucking worthless.
Ok we have big words. Insignificant. Existence. Fucking. Being a guy who swears too much I probably shouldn’t comment. But what a first sentence Assface. It’s just full of intelligence.
Maybe if you got up off your ass and did something with your life
This one is used way to much. Who hasn’t heard this one before Assface?
instead of showing the world how boring it is then maybe you would have meaningful relationships
Boring? What would you have me do to be less boring? Maybe something radical would be less boring. Should I do go out and kill any drug dealers I know? Would that make my life less boring for you Assface? What exactly is a meaningful relationship to you Assface? I thought the relationships I have with friends and family to be meaningful. Not good enough for you Assface? Let’s not beat around the bush Assface. If your referring to the opposite sex then you got me. Single I am. Sorry if that offended you Assface.
and not be destined for a lonely meaningless existence.
“Destined for a lonely meaningless existence” that’s good Assface. I like that bit. It could be an epitaph for me if I was to die right now. So let’s cut to the chase. You know me don’t you Assface? And I think I know you Assface. It’s been my experience that the people who have to point out other peoples flaws are really the ones that need to look in the mirror.
I don’t think I have all the answers. So if this site bothers you Assface or you don’t like what I have wrote past, present, or future then I would have to guess maybe you shouldn’t come to this site. That’s one of the wonders of this country Assface we are all free to chose.
And Assface if I have offended you with what I have I have wrote I have only this to say to you Assface: I’m sorry for hurting your feelings Assface.