I thought this would be cool to let you know. I of course think it’s really cool. Most of these I don’t know who they are. I can guess who a couple of them are. Below is a chart of my hits so far for this month of January. I use Hitbox and it tells me all kinds of stuff. This chart is the top ten domains to hit my site.
Domain # Of Visitors %
1. Major ISPs 118 31.55
2. mhtc.net 9 2.41
3. k12.il.us 7 1.87
4. cc.il.us 6 1.60
5. dialinx.net 5 1.34
6. mediaone.net 5 1.34
7. af.mil 4 1.07
8. shawcable.net 4 1.07
9. indy.net 3 0.80
10. level3.net 3 0.80
The Major ISPs consists of .com, .org, .gov, .edu, etc. A few of these domain’s point back to website to give you an idea where these people are coming from. The third one on this list is my local High School. I know one one kid in school who should be doing his school work, not surfing the net. I of course appreciate the hit.
You can go and view my stats at Hitbox here.