Few Things. I bought a cd burner a few weeks ago and I have turned into a Napster freak. But Napster is coming to an end. Are there any alternatives to Napster? That anyone knows of?
My days as a manager on duty are over with. I was asked what days I couldn’t do the MOD on. So I told them that my only request (except I said It wasn’t a request it was a demand) was that I don’t work weekends if it’s a weekend I’m off from the audit. I checked the MOD schedule for May and I’m not on it. That’s ok. The MOD thing was cool and all. But I was doing them a favor, not the other way around.
I want to say hi to gmason who is a big fan. It’s neat to finally be able to talk with someone I don’t know like that. It’s strange that I have a big fan. It could have been sarcasm. Still it was nice talking with you.
Also tomorrow me and my friends go down to Lan Planet. I’m looking forward to that. Except I wonder what games we should play? I have played FPS long enough, but the rest of them are kinda new to it. I really want to try out Counterstrike because I hear so much good about that mod. On the other hand I would like to dabble with Tribes 2 again. My newbie buds have never played the first Tribes so I don’t know if we will play that one. Maybe we will keep it simple and do Quake 3 or UT. Whatever we play it will be fun. I plan to kick some ass. Against my friends. The kids that play down there a lot scare me. I won’t mess with them.
That’s about it. It’s hard to believe that April is all over. Time flies.