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    Monday June 25th 2001
    This And That 4:00 am-
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    I return from the dead! A few things. First up the whole JavaScript menu thing. If you have IE of Netscape v4.7 and down your ok. Sorry if you don’t see it. If you don’t see it your not crippled. It just lets people get to some stuff buried deep in the site. I’m not a coder so this is the way it is.

    Next my Forum, my very alone Forum has been updated to the 3.0 version of the wonderful cgi script by Ikonboard. As I have said before I really dig the whole Forum thing. This new version adds lots of neat features. So maybe it will become a populated place now. The few of you who have signed up for the old one have been added to the new Forum. So go check it out and join.

    It should be mentioned with this version of the Forum anonymous guest are allowed. That is you don’t have to register to use the Forum.

    Views: 737
    Tuesday June 19th 2001
    Not Fixed 3:30 am-
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    So my little problem just won’t go away. On the laptop I have Netscape 4.7 and it shows the JavaScript menu up top. At home I have a Mozilla version 0.6 based browser. It won’t show the menu. So I just don’t know. I just recently got comfortable with using cgi scripts. This JavaScript stuff is a little harder. Netscape has come out with come out with version 6.1 which is based on Mozilla 0.9.1. I’m going to download these browsers and give them a shot. These minor detail really bug me. Other than that not much is going on.

    I did make the mistake of going to see the Tomb Raider movie. The video game to movie curse lives on. I don’t know why I went to it. I don’t even like the computer game series. I guess it was the tits. But I found the tits to be way to bouncy. Special effects gone bad. Really though it was a fucking horrible movie. It’s up there with Wing Commander and Super Mario Brothers. The only game to movie I liked was the first Mortal Kombat flick. Funny how it has raked in the money though?

    Views: 742
    Monday June 18th 2001
    Fixed!? 11:00 am-
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    Quick one while I wait for first shift to get here. The JavaScript thingie I was having problems with is getting better. The problem was that the JavaScript code was in a table and though IE (didn’t mind it) Netscape hated it. So I’m going and pulling all of it out of the tables. So now the fancy menu thing up top should work for Netscape users. My initial feelings on the Netscape problem was that any of you who use Netscape should switch to Internet Explorer. It’s a better browser. At least in my humble opinion.

    Views: 723
    One Year 2:00 am-
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    Today happens to be the one year anniversary of my moving out of my house. A little place that I miss quite a bit. I miss the freedom of having your own place. A year ago today things were a little different. But a big blow was coming. But I was having a lot of fun.

    Today is also Fathers Day. Last year for one reason or another I missed Fathers Day. This year we (and when I say we I mean me and my brother) had our usual diner fight. This years was a dozy. I don’t want to get into it here. The brother has no way of defending himself on the net because he is a Techno Luddite.

    Other than that I’m still futzing with JavaScript menu thingie up top. I can’t figure out why Netscape will not show it. The problem lies somewhere between the fact I use FrontPage and maybe something to do with the color scheme. If I can’t figure it out I may jettison the JavaScript. Will see.

    Views: 784
    Saturday June 16th 2001
    Show Off 12:45 pm-
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    Well I have been playing with cgi and for a while. Now I’m futzing with java script. Up top (for what appears to only be users of IE) you will see a fancy menu thingie. I downloaded the script and have been messing around with it. As I said users of Internet Explore can see it and use. You folks who use Netscape are screwed. I can’t figure it out. Now you are not missing anything vital. It’s just a quick way to jump around to some of the pages that are buried deep. It’s just me experimenting.

    About the only other thing that causes the menu thingie up top trouble (other than the whole Netscape thing) is the damn monkey shocker banner ad. You know the one? Were you get to shock the shit out of the monkey and win money. Well it totally mess’s with it.

    Views: 1,246
    Friday June 15th 2001
    This And That 12:45 pm-
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    Well my six day streak came to an end. Yesterday I had some trouble with my isp. So I really was going to do an update. Yesterday was the birthday of my cousin and by chance Harpy #13. So I was going to wish her a happy birthday, but now I got to do it a day late. Sorry coz. Happy Birthday.

    You ever have one of those moments were you feel like you just put your foot in your mouth? Usually this kind of thing only happens in real life, not on the net. Well I have managed to put my foot in my mouth internet style. Here is a chat transcript of me thinking I’m about to talk with a buddy of mine and I end up with the wife instead:

    Turk: hey faggot
    Buddy: mrs faggot here
    Turk: Oops sorry.
    Turk: Really sorry.
    Buddy: tis ok hes at work
    Buddy: i just checked his mail
    Buddy: hey i have a birthday invite 4 u to trevors party u gonna b around later
    Turk: Cool
    Buddy: u gonna b at troys later
    Turk: Yeah must likely.
    Buddy: ok ill drop it off there
    Turk: cool.
    Buddy: well chace is crying i gotta go
    Turk: bye bye
    Buddy: bye

    Really happened. No lie.

    Views: 947
    Tuesday June 12th 2001
    Dead! 11:00 am-
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    So Timothy McVeigh popped his cork yesterday morning. All I can say is good riddance. But there are of course a few nut cases floating around that think McVeigh either is a hero or a product of wrong doing. All I can say is bullshit.

    First up we have Timothy McVeigh Was Telling The Truth It’s Not Your Father’s Mind Control Technology. Kathy Kasten believes it was all implanted microchips. Here’s my favorite quote:

    Those of us who have been researching and investigating rumors of microchip implants for the last 10 years heard that Timothy McVeigh was claiming to have been implanted by the U.S. Army, we could only nod our heads.

    Now I am not by no means a super patriotic guy. But I think that this lady has watched way to much X-Files. This chick works for the University of California.

    The next two kind of go hand in hand. First we have Timothy McVeigh is going to be murdered by Inmate #27523-013. Inmate #27523-013 is also known as Ron Cole. Inmate #27523-013 defense of McVeigh is that McVeigh was at war. And Inmate #27523-013 is using the war is hell defense here. You know the war is hell defense right? In a state of war (sometimes and it’s really to bad) innocent people get killed. Inmate #27523-013 himself is in the clink because “I was raided and arrested by the FBI’s Domestic Terrorism Unit on May 1 [1997]. I am a prisoner of that war…”

    For the record Inmate #27523-013 is a member of the Branch Davidians. Inmate #27523-013 supports McVeigh:

    ..the knowledge that my compatriots are backing down in the face of the McVeigh verdict turns my stomach… Not because I support violence or enjoy my environment (which, now, is prison), but because I am right, we are right, the patriot movement and what it stands for is right. As true patriots, we must understand, as General Sherman did, that “war is Hell.” and we’re right in the middle of it.

    And in the same vein of the war is hell defense here we have a message posted on the Free Market forums entitled Timothy McVeigh: An American Hero! No quotes from this one. Just read it yourself. Unbelievable is all I can say.

    Well that’s it. Just wanted to point out a few of these guys. This is six days in a row that I have wrote. Usually I only write while I’m at work. I’ll see if I can keep this up.

    Views: 828
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