Well it’s another boring night at work. Dead as a door nail. We have about twenty rooms rented. So me and the security guard start talking. This isn’t a bad thing. A very smart guy. Anyway were talking about where life on our planet came from. I have talked about this before. But the security guard thinks we came from outer space. And keep in mind I don’t want to get in any fights about creation theory. I’m not saying what I think, or that you should think these ideas.
But the idea that a superior race seeded us on earth does have a romantic flavor to me. I would like to think there is life out there. It would be a terrible waste of space if we were all alone in this huge place in which we live on one planet. Perhaps the surest sign of intelligent life in space is that they have yet to contact us. Well on that subject here are a few links to some stuff that shares some of the opinions I may or may not have:
- An essay about the future, “The Good and the Bad:Outlines for Tomorrow”.
- A conversation with NASA scientist (and Nebula Award winner) Geoff Landis about the possibility of interstellar flight without faster than light travel.
- An essay about how infectious ideas may affect human destiny, “The New Meme”.
- SETI Institute Online has an article called Hidden Oceans Could Still Support Life.
And again I want to state that these are my opinions. And I am not forcing them down anyone’s throat. These links are just there for you to take a look at (or don’t).