Well here is another one from Mr. Lee. Who apparently had nothing else better to do in class but sign my GuestBook:
Well turk, its 1021 am and im at class…well waiting for class to start at 1220..and the scary thing is ive been at this infernal institute of “higher” learning since 740 am…thanks to an 8am class, which by the way the professor was an hour late, damn fuckers always say they hate people who show up late, yet do that themselves.. pitiful really. but i ramble. um there is just one or two more things i gotta ask, but ill just talk to you later on tonight, ill prolly stop by with the little moron, but it does involve black and white, im having a few problems with it and like i said, ill tell ya about them tonight, but i have to get going, strangely, this college library seems to be a hang out for fairly attractive women..i think im gonna go try out my non-existent people skills on them Later the SoboGuy
Game support that’s me. Heh, good luck with the ladies.