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    Thursday January 3rd 2002
    Lurking 3:21 am-
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    So you get to a point in your life and you find out that some of the shit you thought had meaning turns out to be nothing. Nothing possibly but pot induced bullshit. And hey this isn’t a pot(heh he said pot)shot at anyone. It just turns that some of these ideals(?) I have in friendship doesn’t work with everyone. Shit maybe that’s life, huh?

    But it was good to hear from you. Some of my concerns were put to rest. So all it means is I have one more possible lurker. And you all know who you are. Lurkers to me are those people who visit sites and never interact with the said sites.

    Granted this site of mine isn’t the easiest to interact with. I have a habit of flaming anyone who does stop by in the GuestBook. And that’s ok. I’m a lurker on a lot of the sites I frequent. Hell I lurk on all of the sites I frequent. So as I said it’s not a big deal. That’s the way of the web.

    Views: 1,639
    Wednesday January 2nd 2002
    Shit Canned 1:36 am-
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    So it wasn’t everyone in the restaurant. Just two people were shown the hatch. This is a situation that is familiar to me. No one knows the details. I don’t expect anyone will tell me the details.

    I’m going to try to get in touch with these two and try to get their story. I’m not to sure if these people will be willing to tell me the story. But if they do I’ll pop it up here.

    Views: 895
    Tuesday January 1st 2002
    This And That 10:38 pm-
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    Well another month is toast. Another year for that matter. I had way to much fun on New Years Eve. I got shit faced and silly. Woke up with a minor hangover. I can honestly see myself not doing this kind of thing next time.

    I’m getting to old for this drinking till bar time thing. That is an act of a young person. Under twenty-five? It seems all the people that hang out at the Bop are kids. Twenty-one. I love the bar. But that crowd just doesn’t do it.

    Any way I’m back to work tonight. This is the start of my four days on. My birthday also falls on my days off. I thought that was cool. I know this because I have to mark on a calendar for the FDM months in advance. The concept of working four days and then have four days off and repeat is to much for this lady.

    The rumor I was told is that the entire restaurant staff was shit canned. Busboys, waitress, hostess, everybody. The new F&B and the Restaurant Manager (Heh) are working for the people they shit canned. At least they did it after christmas. And remember this is just a rumor. Can anyone be that fucking stupid? I’ll find out tonight.

    Views: 1,003
    Thursday December 27th 2001
    More GuestBook! 7:42 am-
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    Iggy is back! It’s been a long time since I heard from my frequent GuestBook contributor. Here’s what she had to say:

    Woaaahhh! Someone grab the reins of this runaway horse! What is it with all of the changes to the HO EL? hehe. “So many changes, so little time…Someone grab me another hair wrap please.. this one doesn’t look good on me. I really like Bin Laden’s.. do you think I will look as good in white as he does?” ACK!!! I hear these Paks have taken over the hotel? Les and John are gone..so sad. :( Some of the gossip I heard (I saw a couple of the old gang recently)was that the lady who always reminds me of Mrs. Frankenstein (her hair mind you) ratted on the manger, and then took over the F&B position as her reward? Is this true or what? Fill me in, you didn’t mention too much on your site when I went a ‘browsing. On a sadder note, I am so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Keep your chin up and your faith strong, as hard as that might be. Many ((((HUGS)))) Coming your way! Iggy

    Let me start with the gossip. John quit on his own. He had his reasons. Les got shit canned because of some racial remarks made towards the guy that’s here mismanaging the hotel. Yeah the Bride of Frankenstein sales lady had her hands in that mess. She’s a huge brown nose so it’s no surprise. She didn’t take over F&B. Shit she can’t manage the sales department out of a wet paper bag, so her as the F&B would have been a joke.

    As far as the Paks taking over the hotel, well that ain’t exactly true either. We are managed by a company out of Texas. Presumably run by Texans. These boys are just here as overseer’s. Nice enough guys. I got nothing against them. My problem is with how these Texan fucks are running the hotel into the ground.

    I got no comment on the white turban. It’s good hearing from you Iggy. My chin is up, because as I said I’m a tough guy.

    Views: 1,074
    The GuestBook 1:56 am-
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    Hey it’s GuestBook time again children. Tonight we have Lena signing in while she bores to death on AOL. Lena who didn’t pick a nifty aka had this to say:

    Name: Lena
    Where: ramaday inn – – – hehehe
    Date: December 26, 2001
    Time: 08:36 PM

    Hi Hi Hi Just wanted to say interesting. Now i wont be so bored when on aol. U sure have some interesting shit on here. Keep it up.

    Interesting? Well I don’t know about that. I think it’s got kind of boring here at the site. I’m still waiting on my favorite redhead.

    What’s the deal with the Girly Vampire almost beating Indiana Jones over in the Poll? That’s just not right. Indy is way cooler than a goth girly vampire. Go and vote!

    Views: 1,065
    Wednesday December 26th 2001
    Secretive And Cancer 6:12 am-
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    Jeez that last post sounds a little like someone who spends to much time crying over spilt milk. Don’t get me wrong I do miss the chick. She was lots of fun. But it makes no difference to me one way or another. Even that is kind of harsh to say. And yes I would like to know if she was Secretive.

    Since I have such a sarcastic side to me I’ve wrapped up the Stephen King book mentioned in My Way. It’s my Christmas present to her. Heh. You interested in a Hotelblues.com t-shirt? I may have one for you. It’s your call.

    Speaking of Christmas, yesterday was tough. Maybe this shit with my Grandma is getting to me. I’ve done some research on the net and cancer is an ugly way to die. If it gets bad I’m not sure I can handle it.

    I admit these statements sway from my tough guy routine. I can only play the tough guy so long before my shields break down. On my days off I’ve been down to the Bop. I’ve been down there a lot more. Perhaps there is a connection?

    I forgot to mention that December here is a whole year since I slapped up the new look of the website. I still think it’s better this way. I hope you had a good x-mas. I may take me a sabbatical from the site for a few weeks. Unless anything worthy of posting comes in.

    Come down to the Bop on New Years Eve. This is my first New Years Eve off since the time I was fired. I plan to enjoy myself.

    Views: 1,097
    Tuesday December 25th 2001
    This And That 5:58 am-
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    I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. It seems these kinds of things always get me pondering the how’s and why’s of why things happen in a certain way. Do you follow me? No? Well good. Time To Move On and My Way will shed some light on the subject.

    Reading those two bits just makes me think. What it makes me think about I don’t know. I guess it comes back to the how’s and why’s. I have been hoping to hear from her. I wondered if she has been keeping tabs on the site. It makes me wonder if we really had the friendship I thought we had. Maybe Sergei was right.

    Since the subject at hand is what it is I guess it wouldn’t hurt to bring up Secretive. I’ve wondered if she was Secretive since the first GuestBook entry. I’ve regretted the way I handled Secretive in the end. I’ve always been grumpy on the morning of a hangover. Secretive also is an interesting topic because this was the first time I’ve been angry with what my good friend Izer has said. I’ve never said that publicly to anyone. But I was mad that Secretive took Izers post that way. Fucking read the Secretive Archive to find out what I’m talking about.

    And I’ve always said I’d never let a chick come between me and my buddies. But it’s cool. Izer was just trying to protect his big dumb friend. I bet she hates being referred to as a chick.

    So I wait to see if any of my questions will be answered. Or I wonder if only more questions will be raised. I’ve never been good at acting like an adult. I guess that’s one of the reasons I get along with the kids so much.

    This shit with my Grandma and the ever nearing 30th birthday are really bringing me down. Not that I show it. My dad wondered if I had turned into a cold hearted bastard. The scary thing is I wonder this also. Because even this stuff with my Grandma leaves me wondering what I really feel. All of this is a case of bad timing. Merry Christmas, by the way.

    Views: 926
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