Here an interesting article from yesterdays Beloit Daily News called “Ramada owners identified“:
Two Chicago area people have been identified as the new owners of the Ramada Inn of Greater Beloit. Noor and Farida Sadruddin of Bloomingdale, Ill., have registered through the Illinois Secretary of State’s office to create a limited liability company to run the hotel at 200 Dearborn Ave., South Beloit.
It appears they started a company just to run the hotel:
According to information provided from the Secretary of State’s office, the company will be known as Serena Hospitality LLC. The papers were filed May 9. While an Internet search indicated Noor and Farida Sadruddin living in Bloomingdale, Serena Hospitality LLC has a business address listed at 200 Dearborn Ave. _ the same address as the Ramada Inn of Greater Beloit.
The new GM even got in the paper again:
Noor Sadruddin was the highest bidder when the hotel was auctioned April 30 in Chicago, according to current Ramada Inn of Greater Beloit manager Reaz Chowdhury. “He’s going through due diligence right now,” Chowdhury said. “He was the highest bidder and needs to make sure of everything.”
The auction guy brought up again the notion that these people are supposedly from the stateline area:
…the auctioneer of the hotel, would not confirm Sadruddin was the buyer, but did say the person who bought the hotel has a local connection in the Stateline Area. “There’s a local connection there, and it’s going to be great for the community and it’s going to work out well,” Kravets said.
Sadruddin sure doesn’t sound like a stateline area name to me. I can see why these people didn’t want to give out their name.
I’m going to end with soothing words of wisdom from the Dude:
“I think they’re going to put a lot of money into the hotel. We think the buyers got a great deal.” Chowdhury said Serena Hospitality plans to continue operating the property as a hotel and at the least a Ramada Inn. “At the minimum, it will stay a Ramada, but they are looking at flying other flags,” Chowdhury said. “They are very excited and looking forward to working with the community here.”