Well I think I have everything fixed and working from the server move. I have yet to hear from my former Hotelblues.com e-mail users. It makes me think that no one really used them at all. If I do hear from any of you, I have around ten actual POP3 accounts I can give out to you former e-mail users. It’s not enough to cover the 40+ plus people that had signed up. But if ten of you want to keep the you old e-mail address e-mail and and in the message tell me what your Hotelblues.com e-mail address was. Then I set you up and send you the info for the account.
I trained another new guy in the last four days of work. He’s the boyfriend of the chick I had trained a few weeks ago. Another smart kid. He starts next week all by himself. I have inadvertently gotten him hooked on the original Unreal Tournament. He has been a hell of a nice guy and let me you his AOL account while I trained him. Which was nice because I have to do something about not having an account that I can use at work. Maybe there are some free isp’s around still?
I also have installed a new Forum. It’s a php forum called phpBB. I just thought I would mention the fact that I have a forum. Not that anyone use it.