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    Monday November 28th 2022
    The Year in Review 2022 12:00 am-
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    It has been a long time since I’ve done one of these. It used to be a look back on the past year. This time it is a look back on the last six years. A little history first, I guess.

    These posts all started when I got fired for the first time because of this website. That was twenty-four years ago. It’s hard to imagine just how much time has gone by since that first time. So I started doing these Year in Review posts on this date to look back on how the year went. I also probably did it just to be a smart ass and celebrate the fact I had been fired. Fired so many times because of this little website (I still hate the term blog).

    I took this website offline back in 2016 while I was working once again in the hotel business. It lasted for a few years till the pandemic hit. I was lucky and the hotel didn’t fire me this time, they laid me off. Which meant I was able to receive that wonderful gravy train that was pandemic era unemployment. It really was wonderful for the short time I had it. Lots of people had a terrible time during the pandemic. I’ve got to say that my time during the pandemic getting that huge ass unemployment payment was the best time I’ve had in a long time.

    But like they say all good things have to come to an end. When the unemployment ran out I really wished I had saved more of it. I wasted a lot of money. I built a new computer, I bought a Nintendo Switch, and just bunch of miscellaneous dumb things. I honestly enjoyed the pandemic. I’m pretty much a loner as it is. So the idea of being stuck at home wasn’t really that big of an issue for me. I also liked not having to socialize with people to be honest. I’m not a huge fan of people in general. So the whole thing was a wonderful holiday for me.

    Which I guess brings us to the present. After getting laid off from the last hotel I worked at, I decided that I was done with that kind of thing. This website was the only creative thing I had done in decades, and out of the blue I decided I was going to get it back online one day. It only took a few days to get most of it working. A number of things are still broken due to how the web has changed since 2016. I’ve pretty much worked on it nonstop these last few weeks. I’m pretty happy it all works again, with only minor things still missing.

    Hopefully the next year won’t turn out to be another six years.

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