I’m no good at compiling top ten lists of anything. The topic of top ten movies was brought up by Gawain.
[03:29] Gawain: My Top Ten Movies
[03:33] Turk: damn it I hate this top ten shit
[03:33] Gawain: hahahahaha
[03:33] Turk: fuck off
[03:33] Turk: V for Vendetta?
[03:34] Gawain: yeah?
[03:34] Turk: I did not know you fell down and hurt your head
[03:34] Turk: go to the hospital right now
[03:34] Gawain: that was a great movie. It wasn’t as good as the comic, but it was still awesome.
[03:34] Turk: see thing is
[03:35] Turk: either it is as good as the source material or it is shit
[03:36] Gawain: pffft. thats not true. I think the comics of Spider-Man are better than the movies, but the movies are ok. same with Batman. “the stand” by Stephen King is a great book, and a pretty good movie, but its not as good as the book. its not shit though.
[03:36] Turk: my world my rules
[03:39] Turk: Leviathan?
[03:39] Turk: Army Of Darkness?
[03:39] Gawain: yup.
[03:39] Turk: come on
[03:39] Gawain: and yup.
[03:39] Gawain: neither one are classics, but they are both great movies.
[03:39] Turk: are you bleeding from your head wound?
[03:39] Turk: apply pressure
I would have said more if I had seen Unbreakable in his list.
So far I only have a top 1 movie. Also the original Star Wars would have to be in there too. So my top 2. Added Raiders and Empire Strikes Back. So top 4.
- Casablanca
- The Empire Strikes Back
- Star Wars
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
I will update my list as I think of it.
ePJZeu DhB sggZbLJ
Unbreakable as a top ten movie? Gawain that movie is the biggest steaming pile of dog shit ever. Fuck M.Night Shamalawhatever the fuck his last name is. I will though say that I do also have man love for Shawshank redemption. Any time that movie is on I always watch it. By the way Turk, isn’t Tank Girl number 5 on your list? Cause as you know God is real because he did touch down and fry that projector to save us from that piece of cinema greatness!
I’m never going to be able to forget Tank Girl.
And I WILL never let you forget it! HA