I’m no good at compiling top ten lists of anything. The topic of top ten movies was brought up by Gawain.
[03:29] Gawain: My Top Ten Movies
[03:33] Turk: damn it I hate this top ten shit
[03:33] Gawain: hahahahaha
[03:33] Turk: fuck off
[03:33] Turk: V for Vendetta?
[03:34] Gawain: yeah?
[03:34] Turk: I did not know you fell down and hurt your head
[03:34] Turk: go to the hospital right now
[03:34] Gawain: that was a great movie. It wasn’t as good as the comic, but it was still awesome.
[03:34] Turk: see thing is
[03:35] Turk: either it is as good as the source material or it is shit
[03:36] Gawain: pffft. thats not true. I think the comics of Spider-Man are better than the movies, but the movies are ok. same with Batman. “the stand” by Stephen King is a great book, and a pretty good movie, but its not as good as the book. its not shit though.
[03:36] Turk: my world my rules
[03:39] Turk: Leviathan?
[03:39] Turk: Army Of Darkness?
[03:39] Gawain: yup.
[03:39] Turk: come on
[03:39] Gawain: and yup.
[03:39] Gawain: neither one are classics, but they are both great movies.
[03:39] Turk: are you bleeding from your head wound?
[03:39] Turk: apply pressure
I would have said more if I had seen Unbreakable in his list.
So far I only have a top 1 movie. Also the original Star Wars would have to be in there too. So my top 2. Added Raiders and Empire Strikes Back. So top 4.
I will update my list as I think of it.