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    Thursday August 21st 2008
    My 360 Is Died? 2:39 pm-
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    Well my Xbox 360 is getting three rings of death. Which pisses me off. I just picked up Too Human. A game which despite the hype is kinda fun. My console is out of warranty. But for shits and giggles I filed a repair order with Microsoft. I’ve got 20 days after getting the box from them to send it back before the order is deleted. There is a chance I maybe covered because of the three rings problem I seem to be having. This sucks.

    Seems to be working again. I get the box on the 25th. Hopefully it keeps working.

    Views: 999
    Friday August 22nd 2008
    High School Friend 6:08 am-
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    If you’re from Las Vegas and you went to High School with me, this is for you. Everyone else ignore.

    See I know you’re looking around here. I can see where people are from. You’re the only person in or around the Vegas area that I know who would do searches for the stuff you searched for. I can’t imagine what you think of me now you been inside my head. I didn’t mean to blow you off. Honestly. It wasn’t you. It was when we talked on the phone when I was at work. We talked about class reunions and how it would be fun to see how people we went to school with didn’t do as good as us. Something like that. I got to thinking, jesus I’m probably the least successful person in our class. That idea just freaked me out. It’s dumb really. I just didn’t know what to say if I came over. I’m the same. I’ve never changed. Probably never will change.

    I like to think that shit doesn’t bother me. But it does. Anyway. I’ve got your number still. I just was too chicken to call. Sounds like I’m in high school still. So drop me a line if you’re not super pissed off at me. You can use the Contact Turk page to email me.

    Views: 879
    Sunday September 7th 2008
    Spore 2:18 am-
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    So Spore huh.

    I am from the great and mighty planet Shit!

    The above screenshot is just one example why I get in trouble when the newphew hangs out playing games with me. For example. When the Diablo 3 footage was released I reinstalled Diablo 2. I named one of my characters Asshole. Me and the nephew played the game and he sees my character with the rude name. A few weeks later the guy who lives in back of the Newb started playing Diablo 2 again. The nephew was over there and see the guy playing it and asks why his character wasn’t named Asshole. The neighbor of course tells the Newb and the Nephew gets grounded for a week. I’m told no more naughty language around the kid.

    Back to Spore. My Spore page can be found here. So far I’m enjoying the game. I’m on the tribal phase. Waiting to get to space and make my own USS Enterprise spaceship.

    VSXS dV r bk
    Views: 1,081
    Saturday September 13th 2008
    Bachelor Party 10:30 am-
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    Today is the bachelor party for my brother. He is getting married on October 4th. Now the inevitable drinking and strippers will of course happen. But to my shock we are going fucking fishing. Fishing. I don’t fish. But it’s a group activity that the majority of guys will enjoy. Me I will be twitching without my net access. My brother has forbid me bringing my laptop. But I do have my Ipod Touch, so I will be getting some net here and there when we hit wireless hotspots. I also will be bringing my digital camera to document the fishing, boozing, and of course strippers.

    Checked into the hotel. Next stop the boat for fishing. I can’t wait.

    Here are some pictures.

    My Brother walking to the boat The Captain, my Brother, and the First Mate My Brother drunk holding a fish The Group Photo

    I have to say it was a very stomach turning experience. This goes on my list of shit that is not fun in any way at all. For the first three hours I felt like I was fighting to not puke up whatever I had ate. The last hour I had got used to it and it was ok. Also the actual reeling in of the fish was some hard work. Another factor of it being in the not fun list. Worst of all is by the time we got back to the dock it was damn near 9 at night. Everyone was tired and we went to the hotel room and showered. We then ended up driving back home. No strippers. All in all it was a terrible waste of time, if it wasn’t for the fact I was spending quality time bonding with my brother and his friends.

    TUfEjEu R x oA
    Views: 1,255
    Wednesday September 17th 2008
    Ramada So Bad… 4:38 am-
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    It’s little things like this Betterbidding.com forum post that makes me chuckle to myself:

    I used PRICELINE for the first time. My bid was accepted by a Ramada Inn. I had requested a 2 star. When I mentioned it to someone where I am visiting, I was told that “nobody stays here. Even the police are afraid to go there.” I researched and found police reports and news articles that mentioned gang activity, brawls in the parking lot, armed robbery of the hotel, etc… I called Priceline and spoke at length to 2 people and was told that there are no refunds or cancellations. I don’t want a refund-I just want a different hotel in this town, even if I have to pay a little more. Do I have any options?

    Just how bad is it getting that someone using priceline doesn’t want to stay at the worst hotel ever for a cheap rate?

    Here is the chatlog with Gawain when I told him about it:

    [06:08] Turk: here is a great forum post my ramada inn south beloit google alert emailed me
    [06:09] Turk: you may have to scroll up
    [06:22] Gawain: hahahahaha
    [06:22] Gawain: those fuckers might as well close.
    [06:22] Turk: no shit
    [06:23] Turk: they don’t just to spite me
    [06:23] Gawain: hahhahaa.
    [06:23] Gawain: its totally personal.
    [06:23] Turk: oh yeah

    And I do feel sometimes they stay open just to spite me. They must know how good I will feel when they die a horrible death. I can out wait them though.

    Views: 1,101
    Friday September 19th 2008
    Two Years Ago 3:55 am-
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    Fuck me silly. I missed the two year anniversary of the second time I got fired from the worst hotel ever. So pretend it’s the 17th of September and celebrate with me on two whole years since I got let go over the phone by listening to that phone call:

    Played [drain file 48 hits] Times

    The 27th of this month will be two whole years I’ve worked at the good hotel. Time flies when your having fun.Which really is thanks to the douche bag and the sheriff for firing me. A week later or before and I wouldn’t have had the job. It really was perfect timing.

    You see the guy who was working first shift at the good hotel wanted to get out of the hotel business. The lady that was doing the third shift wanted to move to the first shift. I just fell into place. Honestly I couldn’t have planned it better. Big thanks again to the the douche bag (ex gm) and the sheriff (my old boss who still is a pussy I’m sure).

    Views: 966
    Wednesday September 24th 2008
    Warhammer Online 1:45 am-
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    So I picked up Warhammer Online even though I thought the game was just WoW and DAoC bastard child. But I got to admit I’m enjoying it. It is a relative of Dark Age of Camelot just because the same developers (Mythic) made it. It does at times remind me of Camelot a bit. The weird thing is I’m really enjoying the hell out of the RvR.

    Turkus Level 15 Turkus Level 9

    I’ve got two characters on two different servers. Like DAoC you can not have characters of the opposite sides on the same server. My Destruction character is a Chaos Chosen which reminds me of a DAoC Pally in the way it can twist his buffs. Then I have an Order Empire War Priest who also reminds me of the DAoC Friar.

    As I’ve said I’m really enjoying the RvR. Which historically for me has always been something I just don’t get into. Which is odd I admit since my first mmorpg was Camelot. Warhammer borrows lots of things from both WoW and DAoC. Most of the RvR I’ve been doing is on a WoW type Battlegrounds. It plays a bit like CTF of King of the Hill in shooters. The servers I’m on are called Core and they only allow RvR in designated areas and of course if you voluntarily flag yourself for RvR.

    WAR 2008-09-21 08-52-31-46.jpg WAR 2008-09-21 08-52-51-45.jpg

    Participating in RvR rewards you both standard experience and you also get renown. Renown is like DAoC realm ranks and works just about the same. Each renown rank gives you a point with which you can use to buy renown abilities. And when you finish a match it of course shows the statistics so one can brag about how good they did or cry about how much they suck.

    WAR 2008-09-23 09-52-15-64.jpg

    On the PvE side of things Warhammer has Public Quests. These quests are tied to a specific area in a zone and it has a set of objectives anyone in that area can help complete. When a Public Quest is finished players roll for the chest of loot that is dropped by the boss. In addition everyone who helped with the objectives earns influence towards the specific chapter of the overall story that the Public Quest ties into.

    WAR 2008-09-20 12-03-12-36.jpg WAR 2008-09-20 12-04-15-21.jpg

    In addition to the loot dropped by killing the boss of the quest there are three ranks of rewards a player can receive for getting influence in each chapter of the games story. There are three tiers to the rewards. First you can choose from four different potions, then there is two pieces of magic armor/weapons, and finally there are two even better weapons or armor to chose from.

    The other mechanic of the Public Quest (and the game in general) is one can run into the area and help fulfill the objectives of the quest and not worry about being in a group. Or if you want a group the game let’s players have their group be open so anyone can join and help out. Admitedly I’ve not played around with groups yet as I am a solo player most of the time. In fact the game will let you know when you go into an area that has open groups.

    All in all Warhammer Online feels more like a finished game than say Age of Conan. Which is important for a mmo even more than a single player game. And as I’ve said it is fun. To me the fun factor is the biggest factor in any game I play. So if your looking for a new mmo give Warhammer a try.

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