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    Wednesday September 17th 2008
    Ramada So Bad… 4:38 am-
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    It’s little things like this Betterbidding.com forum post that makes me chuckle to myself:

    I used PRICELINE for the first time. My bid was accepted by a Ramada Inn. I had requested a 2 star. When I mentioned it to someone where I am visiting, I was told that “nobody stays here. Even the police are afraid to go there.” I researched and found police reports and news articles that mentioned gang activity, brawls in the parking lot, armed robbery of the hotel, etc… I called Priceline and spoke at length to 2 people and was told that there are no refunds or cancellations. I don’t want a refund-I just want a different hotel in this town, even if I have to pay a little more. Do I have any options?

    Just how bad is it getting that someone using priceline doesn’t want to stay at the worst hotel ever for a cheap rate?

    Here is the chatlog with Gawain when I told him about it:

    [06:08] Turk: here is a great forum post my ramada inn south beloit google alert emailed me
    [06:09] Turk: you may have to scroll up
    [06:22] Gawain: hahahahaha
    [06:22] Gawain: those fuckers might as well close.
    [06:22] Turk: no shit
    [06:23] Turk: they don’t just to spite me
    [06:23] Gawain: hahhahaa.
    [06:23] Gawain: its totally personal.
    [06:23] Turk: oh yeah

    And I do feel sometimes they stay open just to spite me. They must know how good I will feel when they die a horrible death. I can out wait them though.

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    One Response to ''Ramada So Bad…''
    Antiroleplay says:
    September 26th, 2008 at 12:25 am

    Wow. That’s hilarious.

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