Teamspeak audio from me and my nephew playing eq2. The mp3 begins right after I tell the kid to tell uncle lumpy to go fuck himself after he had hassled my nephew about playing games to long.
I often forget how the kids take my word like I know what I’m talking about. On the subject of lumpy I suppose I am. Fuck him. My favorite part is when my best friend gets on the mic to chastise me. me on a place to find good blogs that interest you. Acolytes of Destruction a Bors Server Guild Gawain the Blind The new home of Gawain on the internet. Penny Arcade News Fucker 3000 Zero Punctuation The Escapist’s groundbreaking video review series starring Yahtzee The Awful Forums The Something Awful Forums Broken Toys A blog about stuff, by a guy who breaks and sometimes fixes stuff. TWiT This WEEK in TECH Evil Avatar Daily Gaming News… With Attitude Kotaku Kotaku: a gamer’s guide that goes beyond the press release. Voodoo Extreme is the #1 gaming site on the web! Reviews, ratings, etc. Blue’s News All the carnage that’s fit to post!
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