This shit starts out harmlessly.
[12:59] Gawain: Korn’s Another Brick In The Wall im not particularly a Korn fan, but they did a very nice cover of Another Brick In The Wall.
[1:00] Turk: korn?
[1:00] Gawain: yeah.
[1:00] Gawain: they covered a pink floyd song. and I have to say they did it really well.
[1:00] Turk: covering another brick in the wall?
[1:00] Gawain: yup.
[1:00] Gawain: just watch it.
[1:01] Turk: no
[1:03] Gawain: that site is awesome, btw.
Which makes me look around and I find some Doctor Who divx videos. Which leads to this conversation:
[2:31] Turk: The Mind Robbers second doctor story
[2:31] Turk: zoe was the hottest companion
[2:31] Turk: dig the photo copy backgrounds in the tardis console room in the begining
[2:31] Turk: got to love the 60’s bbc
[2:32] Gawain: you are such a goddamn fanboy.
[2:38] Turk: yeah
[2:42] Turk: Zoe honestly
[2:42] Turk: hot
[2:43] Turk: and she would wear these skin tight outfits
[2:43] Turk: man
[2:50] Gawain: the wife asked what I was looking at, I explained, she rolled her eyes and called you a nerd.
[2:50] Turk: …
[2:50] Gawain: heh.
[2:50] Gawain: and then went to bed.
[2:51] Turk: remind her when she gets up that at least I’m not some larping faggot
[2:51] Gawain: holy shit, that is the ultimate trump card.
[2:51] Turk: thank you
[2:51] Turk: I didn’t want to do it
[2:51] Turk: but I had to
[2:51] Gawain: heh.
[2:51] Gawain: you totally bypassed cruise missiles and went straight to nukes.
For those who want to see what I’m talking about, here is a thumbnailed picture (that I made Gawain check out) of the Second Doctor‘s companion Zoe Heriot mentioned above: