So I watch CNN quite a bit at work. I’m starting to wonder when did “the news” become like some kind of tabloid? Does Anna Nicole Smith really deserve all this airtime? A gold digging floozy who had more than her fair share of the fifteen minutes of fame is now news? Just because the wannabe Marylin Monroe died? Does anyone give a shit? Is it just me? I didn’t give two shits about this chick when she was alive.
But now she’s died. End of story. But now I have to see all about whether or not the fucking lawyer is the father or not of the kid? Again is this news that should be on CNN? Larry King has this shit on his show even. And what happened to Larry King while I’m talking about CNN. A few weeks ago it was American Idol losers the whole week. American Idol is not news people. Is this what American News has become? Tabloids?
I’ve decided to not watch tv anymore. I’ve decided to listen to BBC News instead. So far I’ve not heard one mention of Anna Nicole Smith, her bastard kid, or the fucking lawyer scumbag.
I prefer newsweek and CSPAN.
got a few glorious minutes of CSPAN tonight before I had the remote stolen from me. Some fucking republican was comparing the war on terror to the war against great britain saying we shouldn’t give up. …correct me if I’m wrong but our original leader and chief was a terrorist of sorts fighting (insurance) against an occupying force. hmmm..
I forget about CSPAN. My dad loves watching that. I’ll have to check if we get that here at the hotel.
Yeah man, the media is shit. 24 hours news broadcasts, but instead of filling the time with in-depth and well thought out journalism, we’re stuck watching them read gov’t issued press releases and spew tabloid crap. Makes me want to vomit.
I wish I could say it’s much better in Canada, but since almost all our media is owned by the same guy, you don’t hear/read anything new or exciting or original that isn’t in ALL the other media outlets.