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    Saturday January 6th 2007
    Vanguard Screens 2:50 pm-
    Categories Vanguard Permalink Permalink
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    Beta 5 is live. With it the nda is gone. I offer up screen shots from the game. My computer is mid range I guess. It should be noted these screens are from before beta 5 and that is why it looks like my character is attacking with no weapon. He is attacking with a longsword. Beta 5 since has fixed it for some it appears. I still can not see the helmet I’m wearing. 35 shots total, these are my favorites:

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    The game runs like shit. It chugs and it is not playable as far as I’m concerned. I can run lots of nice looking games and for what it looks like there is no reason it should chug the way it does. It’s also not fun. Which may be from the chugging. But the world and characters just lack personality. Again this is all my opinion. But Vanguard is not the game for me. It’s going open beta here real soon. And retail by the end of the month. In it’s current form I don’t see it lasting long. Good look and good riddance.

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    8 Responses to ''Vanguard Screens''
    Boru says:
    January 12th, 2007 at 7:54 pm

    Dude, get a PC, you are polluting the internet with this half assed BS. Save those disability checks and get yourself some powa. Also, dont be lazy, get lookin for those .ini tweaks out there for the game, they drastically improve graphical performance and FPS if you are too scared to tweak your ini then stop speaking because you obviously lack the knowledge and courage required to write proper reviews.

    Turk says:
    January 12th, 2007 at 10:36 pm

    Dude, go fuck yourself. I never claimed to be writing a review. I simply put up screenshots of a game in beta as it is rendered on a computer that an average user may have. I shouldn’t have to tweak the ini file. Not that I really give two shits what some teenager thinks. Powa? Jesus Christ. When you have the knowledge and courage to use real words I may then start to consider you something other than some internet troll hiding behind a shield of anonymity.

    Boru says:
    January 12th, 2007 at 11:33 pm

    You “ARE” the troll. You epitomize the meaning of troll what with all of your unintelligible banter and flat out freakishly horrible understanding of computers. Your right the Beta should be perfect and people like you with shit computers should be able to play it smoothly without chugging or tweaking the ini. I take it you are another Warcraft noob. In all seriousness though, I’m trying to be nice here and offer you a couple pointers on running the game better but that may be impossible with your customized Dell that you claim to have self built. I doubt it but there may be hope for you… well maybe not but you can always customize another Dell.

    Turk says:
    January 13th, 2007 at 8:16 am

    It does look like the fact I have 1 gig of ram may be the center of my performance problems in Vanguard. Nothing no one can says changes the fact they are rushing the game out the door. I also will even admit it is getting better with each patch. If SOE would give them more time. But I understand that all parties involved want to make money. In the end I really like Vanguard. I like that it has no instances. I like that the world is huge. I hope it does survive after release.

    Boru says:
    January 13th, 2007 at 3:49 pm

    Turk, you may be a reasonable person after all, I apologize for taking cheapshots at you and attempting to stereotype. You have to understand tho, I realize people have individual exceptions to the overall rule of bias but I can help you run the game better if you are interested. Please accept my apology and entertain the fact that we might be able to get your game running better. Cheers, no hard feelings man.

    Turk says:
    January 13th, 2007 at 3:58 pm

    Hey no worry. These games bring out the fanatic in all of us. I tried the the ini tweaks by the way. It was a minimal fps gain. I really do think it’s my 1 gig of ram thats bringing down the performance.

    CanaDan says:
    January 16th, 2007 at 11:23 pm

    Holy Fucking Shit… 1 Gig of RAM isn’t enough anymore?

    Where the fuck have I been?

    Turk says:
    January 17th, 2007 at 1:08 am

    Welcome to the world of the future!

    I first noticed I needed more ram on the game Gothic 3. Another one that should play fine but doesn’t.

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