Comments (8) Vanguard Permalink
Beta 5 is live. With it the nda is gone. I offer up screen shots from the game. My computer is mid range I guess. It should be noted these screens are from before beta 5 and that is why it looks like my character is attacking with no weapon. He is attacking with a longsword. Beta 5 since has fixed it for some it appears. I still can not see the helmet I’m wearing. 35 shots total, these are my favorites:
The game runs like shit. It chugs and it is not playable as far as I’m concerned. I can run lots of nice looking games and for what it looks like there is no reason it should chug the way it does. It’s also not fun. Which may be from the chugging. But the world and characters just lack personality. Again this is all my opinion. But Vanguard is not the game for me. It’s going open beta here real soon. And retail by the end of the month. In it’s current form I don’t see it lasting long. Good look and good riddance.