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    Thursday April 20th 2006
    Accuracy And Integrity? 7:30 am-
    Comments Comments (3) Categories Bad Hotel Permalink Permalink
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    It’s not often that I’m called a liar. Basically I wrote something that another employee told me about. The GM Douche Bag of the hotel left this comment:

    Great story, to bad it did’nt happen! For the sake of accuracy and integrity you should check your facts. As a reader I’m concerned that your site has a very narrow view of reality or generally just makes stuff up. To be credable and to keep my interest, lets open a dialogue here and debate the issues. Will you take the challenge?

    No where do I claim that anything on this website (blog!) is the truth. I think that this type of site (whatever type it is) doesn’t really matter if it deals in the truth. In fact most people who come to this site probably don’t care if what I right is fact or fiction. Naturally I replied to the gm with this comment of my own:

    Just makes stuff up? Not from my point of view. This is the second time I let my guard down. From here on in you have to be credible to keep my interest.

    When I got in tonight I was told by the employee working that the gm had checked my site only to find that the hotel’s ip was blocked. The gm supposedly made a comment along the lines of “I guess I offended him.” Kinda sorta I suppose you did. But then kinda sorta you didn’t. I’m just able to do that kind of thing if I want to. Blocking ip addresses is just a defense mechanism.

    Anyway let me do a quick blow by blow me responding to the gm’s comment. First up:

    Great story, to bad it did’nt happen! For the sake of accuracy and integrity you should check your facts.

    Welcome to the internet! Accuracy and integrity are something members of the press have to worry about. I don’t check my facts. If it sounds good I write about it. I think that your biased in the accuracy and integrity department as your the general manager of the hotel I work for. Bad press is still bad press even on the net. Which brings us to this comment:

    As a reader I’m concerned that your site has a very narrow view of reality or generally just makes stuff up.

    As a reader? Again I think your just a little biased worrying about my narrow view of reality since your the general manager of the hotel. I do admit the making stuff up thing did hurt. But again no where in my blogging handbook does it say I have to to write the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I deal with my opinion on things and second hand stories passed on to me by disgruntled employees. Next is the my favorite part:

    To be credable and to keep my interest, lets open a dialogue here and debate the issues. Will you take the challenge?

    Not to be a real pain in the ass nitpicker, but I think one should be able to spell credible before they even try to accuse someone else of not being credible. An open dialogue debating the issues here on my website? You forget that I deal in lies and that generally I have a narrow view of reality. Why on earth would I want to debate anything with you? I have nothing to debate. As I see it that hotel is broken. I’ve been there just a tad bit longer than you so I believe that entitles me to my opinion of things as I see it.

    So no debate with me. Fix the hotel. Your in the position to do so. Get that place to treat employees like human beings. Show them some respect. And just maybe start giving out some raises. The only direction the hotel will go is down as long as you let the hotel’s employees be treated like indentured servants. Now feel free to openly discuss this here on my site. You have a chance to play pr to the people that do happen to read this that know exactly what I’m talking about. I’ll for a civil discussion. But I’m not up for a debate.

    But I’m afraid to say the only way your going to change my lies and my narrow view of reality of the hotel is to change things for the better there. And believe me I’ll let you know when that happens. I’ll know because the other employees tell me their problems. I hear how disgruntled everyone is. I’m just the only one who seems to say anything.

    Views: 1,476
    Monday April 24th 2006
    Rumor Mill 11:30 pm-
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    I’ve got rumors. Who wants some rumors? And it’s all sort of related. The sheriff of operations is dead. Long live the sheriff. I often wondered what a person does when they get the “of operations” suffix attached to their title. I wondered what an “of operations” person does. Here at this hotel an “of operations” guy ran the front desk, housekeeping, and maybe engineering.

    Well not any more. Housekeeping is now run by Jani or so the story goes. Which from the talk form the housekeeping employees this was a move that was needed. Management of housekeeping has been less than desired. Which not all of the blame can be pointed at the sheriff of operations. There are a few employees that were promoted that should not have been. And when you start letting family in and show that them special treatment over the rest you start to have some big problems.

    Next topic. It’s time to say goodbye and rest in peace to TimeClock Plus. Which was chronicled briefly in No Punch, Time Travel, and Time Fixed. It’s been said that this biometric system has been kaput since the last pay period. So for at least two weeks now this system has been dead. Has any manger told anyone? No. As per the usual with this hotel employees have got to find out by word of mouth.

    One final bit before I go. I will not ever refer to myself as a computer wiz to a guest. Never fucking ever ok? That kind of information is need to know and frankly that’s just not something the guest needs to know. So when you go and talk to a guest who had trouble with an employee that claims he is a computer wiz and who works weekends let’s make sure that you realize two things.

    1. I don’t refer to myself as a computer wiz.
    2. I never work weekends.

    So simple even my niece and nephew knows the second point. The two points I expect the guy in charge to be able to handle. I’ll be grilling my niece and nephew on the first point as well. So when two kids between the ages of six and seven can grasp something the guy in charge doesn’t I begin to worry.

    Views: 1,032
    Tuesday April 25th 2006
    Wizard’s Tower 2:07 am-
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    The third official Oblivion plugin called the Wizard’s Tower has been released for PC users. This one is 17.6 MB and costs 1.89 just like the last one. Here is the info:

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    Located high in the Jeral Mountains of Cyrodiil away from prying eyes, this add-on makes the Wizard’s Tower, Frostcrag Spire, become available. Packed with numerous useful enhancements, this structure will prove invaluable to magic-oriented characters.


    • A fully detailed tower for you to explore
    • A breathtaking view of Cyrodiil from the highest point
      in the land
    • Simple furnishings including a bed for leveling up
    • An indoor botanical garden with over 130 specimens…
      including Oblivion-native herbs!
    • Summon Atronach Familiars that obey your commands
    • Instant teleports to every Mages Guild in Cyrodiil
    • New Spell and Recharge vendor in the Imperial City
    • Fully upgrade the furnishings in your lair to suit your needs
    • Upgrade to a fully functional Enchanting and Spellmaking station with no need to join Mages Guild
    • Upgrade to a laboratory that buffs your Alchemy skill

    I’m still waiting for some shit that adds more stuff for melee characters.

    Views: 1,621
    Monday May 1st 2006
    This And That 7:36 am-
    Comments Comments (4) Categories Doctor Who Permalink Permalink
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    Anyone else (specifically diehard Star Trek fans) think that Russell T Davies is turning into the Doctor Who equivalent of Berman and Bragga? I’m just to tired to even go into a long winded spiel. This below was to funny to pass up posting:

    Who Graph

    And to top it all off how about Tom Baker Says?

    Views: 1,276
    Wednesday May 3rd 2006
    Which Superhero Are You? 3:51 am-
    Comments Comments (4) Categories Comic Books Permalink Permalink
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    Ever wonder what superhero you are? If so give the “Which Superhero are you?” quiz a shot. My results below:

    You are Green Lantern

    Green Lantern
    The Flash
    Wonder Woman
    Iron Man
    Hot-headed. You have strong
    will power and a good imagination.
    Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz…

    The results are a little weird. Catwoman 50%, Wonder Woman 30%, and Supergirl 20%? I think answering no to the Do you ever wear a pushup bra? question should have eliminated those ladies from my results. That’s the way it goes.

    Views: 1,024
    Thursday May 4th 2006
    Han Shoots First! 6:21 am-
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    When the Star Wars movies were finally put out on DVD I was more than a little pissed off that Lucas decided to only issue the digitally remastered versions. Well in this on the official Star War site they announced that Lucas is putting out the good stuff in September.

    In response to overwhelming demand, Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment will release attractively priced individual two-disc releases of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Each release includes the 2004 digitally remastered version of the movie and, as bonus material, the theatrical edition of the film.

    This release will only be available for a limited time: from September 12th to December 31st. International release will follow on or about the same day. Each original theatrical version will feature Dolby 2.0 Surround sound, close-captioning, and subtitles in English, French and Spanish for their U.S. release. International sound and subtitling vary by territory.

    They don't mention a price of course. The USA Today does.

    Their wishes will be granted Sept. 12 when Fox releases new two-disc DVDs ($30 each) of Star Wars (since retitled as Episode IV: A New Hope), The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi that include the films as they first appeared in theaters, along with the new, restored versions (now available in the four-disc $70 Star Wars Trilogy).

    These DVDs as stated above will have both old and new versions of the flicks. So let me ask you just how many goddamn times do I have to buy the original trilogy? I have the set of vhs when it was first put out. I have the cool boxed set with the widescreen versions. I have the vhs set of the special edition movies. And finally I have the DVD set that was put out in 2004.

    I just paid 70 bucks in 2004. And now I have to shell out 90 more dollars to buy shit I already own. And as much as I bitch you can bet your ass I'll be picking these up when they come out. It's just the idea of it. That fat fuck Lucas could have just done this in 2004. Beat that dead horse motherfucker. Fucking guy doesn't look like he's all that needy.

    George Lucas

    I guess some people will never have enough money. What can you do?

    Views: 1,073
    Friday May 5th 2006
    Security 12:09 am-
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    Let’s talk about hotel security. When you stay at a hotel do you even think about security? Do you automatically assume there is security? If you assume/know there is security at a hotel do you know if they are cops or rentacops? Or sometimes it could something worse than a rentacop.

    If you come to my hotel and check in after 11pm don’t ask me about security. You may or may not like the answer you will get. Because call me odd but when a guest asks me a question I answer as honestly as I can. There is no security sunday through thursday. None. If I have problems I call the cops at the first sign of something is going wrong. I don’t go and investigate. I call the cops and let them deal with it. I’m payed my 8.75 an hour to be an auditor, nothing more nothing less.

    Security on the weekends up until very recently had been cops. Police Officers who do the security gig as a part time job. It’s nice having cops as security for a number of reasons. First off you feel safer. Knowing that the security guard is packing heat and knows how to use it is always refreshing. It’s not so inspiring when it’s the fatting lazy rentacop and his can of mace and long flash light. Rentacops are making shit for wages. Like they give a shit about their job anymore than I do mine?

    I mentioned it gets worse? What happens when the management pisses off the cops and the cops quit? What can be worse than a rentacop? What happens is the management of the hotel has one of the engineers do security on the weekend. Now the guys nice enough. But he has no defense from anything that can harm him. If some drunk rowdy guys give him shit he can toss his tool belt at them?

    Plus it’s the obvious fact the guy is a hotel engineer. If some guy in wearing a tool belt and a hotel uniform comes up to my room to tell me to be quiet I’m just not going to take him seriously. The cops wear suit and ties. They have a little plastic badge that identifies them as hotel security. Big difference there.

    And here is some advice from me to management. Get the cops back. I don’t give a fuck what the story is. Get them back. We have had the rentacops before. Your going to find out the hard way about them. Suck it up get the police back. And you need to have your head examined for letting the engineer do security. That one has done it before and caused nothing but problems. The hotel is supposed to be getting better. I only see it getting worse.

    Views: 1,030
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