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    Thursday March 16th 2006
    Sunday Off 6:13 am-
    Comments Comments (3) Categories Bad Hotel Permalink Permalink
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    The schedule for the front desk employee’s was posted on the 11th of this month. It’s only worth mentioning for the fact that no one is scheduled to work the audit on the 19th. Now I’m not one to second guess some assholes who make more money than me. Besides what the hell a three day weekend sounds good.

    Now I figured that those fools in charge would catch this mistake. Or maybe it wasn’t a mistake. Maybe they would be switching the idiot to 3rd shift and they would be firing me. At this hotel one can never know. Three days go by. So I finally point out this to the front desk supervisor. I mention to her that I’ve made photo copies (I make copies of everything) of the schedule. I expressed my opinion that the fucking pussy that made the schedule can work audit that night no one is on.

    The next day I point it out to the lady who works audit on the weekend. She can’t believe it. I tell her to tell the sheriff if he calls me and asks me if changing the schedule is ok I will work sunday. It’s sort of my way of crossing the line in the sand and daring the sheriff to cross it. Well the guy took his anti pussy pills because tonight when I came in I was now on the schedule to work sunday.

    This all is just funny really. I have my photo copy that clearly states the schedule was printed on the 11th of march. I have a photo copy of the changed schedule that clearly states it was printed on the 15th. I’ve dared the sonuvabitch to cross the line and he did. Which it is about time. This is just a matter of acting tough to the wrong guy. He should be acting all tough on the idiot and firing the dumb bitch. I guess I’ve made it to personal at this point. He wants to try to make me back down so I’m the pussy.

    Except that won’t happen. See I’m just slightly possibly fucking crazy. At least when it comes to these matters. I left the sheriff a voice mail explaining my position on the matter. I basically told the sheriff to go fuck himself. I just didn’t use those exact words. I’m not coming in on sunday because the original schedule has me off on sunday. I don’t give a fuck who works. When I’m not there for all I care the place can burn to the ground with everyone in it.

    Friday I’m going to the HI in Rockford and will be having an interview. No bullshit. This is sounding to be the real deal. A paycut may happen. But when I make 8.75 an hour and get no raises at all I think getting 8.00 an hour is ok since I will be getting raise ever now and then. Plus it’s a real hotel not a shithole ran by a bunch of fucking morons. The end maybe coming and I’m pretty jazzed to be honest.

    Views: 1,244
    Monday March 20th 2006
    Oblivion! 10:30 pm-
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    Giggity Giggity Oblivion!

    One Two
    Three Four

    Oh yeah.

    Views: 1,109
    Saturday March 25th 2006
    Inventory Expanded 9:35 am-
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    So been playing Oblivion a little. It’s easy to see that the game is the same (more or less) on the pc and the 360. Which is good and bad. The bad is pc users are stuck with this very console like interface. The inventory being the biggest thing to suffer from console design. Only letting you see 6 items at one time. Very annoying.

    The good of course is being able to make and use plugins. So to break in my Oblivion Plugins section let’s go right for the good stuff, the UI Mods v1.2. You can get it from that link and register first to do so. Or grab it from me here. Either way you will need WinRar to unzip it. Below you can see what it does in the following two screenshots, before and after:

    Before After

    Just extract the rar to:

    C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data

    And load the game. It’s more of a hack than an actual addon. You won’t need to activate it in the data file menu of the game launcher.

    Views: 1,567
    Monday March 27th 2006
    No Pay, No Work! 7:15 am-
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    The word at the hotel is that the payroll checks are bouncing. The payroll checks are bouncing, it really needs repeating. Has the place finally got that bad? It’s bad enough that these assholes can’t pay their bills. But now they can’t pay their employees?

    I think that this is the start of the end. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s recap some of the action at the front desk. It appears that the sheriff has been shooting his mouth of out front that no one at the front desk is any good. It’s the kind of brilliant shit this fucking retard really needs to think first before he does open his mouth. Since the only good desk clerk we have took offense to this (and the paycheck bouncing) has put in her two week notice.

    Congratulations sheriff! My boss is a pussy no more? Or is it that on top of being a pussy my boss is possible an idiot as well? Speaking of the idiot. It seems that that is one of those things that will never be fixed. Life must go on. But I think that before the idiot is taken care of the hotel will close. Or maybe it will keep going. Who knows.

    All I know is that if my check bounces I won’t be going to work until it’s taken care of. I can sit at home and not get payed to surf the net and play games. I’ll be damned if I’m going to have to surf the net and play games at work and not get payed for it.

    Views: 1,028
    Tuesday March 28th 2006
    No Punch 2:48 am-
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    The hotel has a new system for punching in and out. It one of those fancy biometric deals. Scan your finger print to punch in. It sounds great on paper. The idea of punching others in is not so easy with this new system. Now one would have to cut the persons finger off to punch them in.

    But as with all new things there are bugs to be found in the system. First off the pc running the software and Win XP is way to old. Secondly the management assholes have to work on the way the software restricts punching in and out.

    Below you will see two examples of this. First shot shows how it won’t let me punch in because I’m into overtime. Without a supervisor password I can not punch in. Second shot shows what happens when a person tried to milk the clock, wanting supervisor approval to clock out.

    One Two

    At this time we are still using the old fashioned time clock to punch in and out on. Once this new system goes live (if it does) the question is what do you do if it won’t let you punch in (or out)? I’ll be going home. But that’s me. Very shortly I will have a detailed post on a major exploit regarding this new system. I will be showing everyone how to exploit this flaw and I even have a video that clearly shows how it is done.

    Views: 911
    Thursday March 30th 2006
    Time Travel 10:09 pm-
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    As promised in this post here is the exploit for the software called TimeClock Plus:

    Click To Play
    Click To Play or Right click and Save.
    Windows Encoding. Only 766.46 kb

    [drain file 41 show]

    Honestly now I warned those assholes about doing this. See they got it in their head that the old fucked up time clock that you actually punch a card is no longer good enough. So these tools went and “purchased” this software called TimeClock Plus. Check this screen shot to see what kind of computer they run it on.

    The program itself is nice enough. It’s just not secure. Sure they have some stupid thumb print scanner doohickey hooked up via usb that reads your finger print to clock in. It just defeats the whole security idea when all it takes to cheat the system is to change the system time on the pc. Change the time ahead or even go back in time to punch in days past.

    Let me be clear and say that I would neither use nor endorse the use of this kind of cheat. I just figured it was a good time to point out again that I am right and the hotel is wrong. This is just here for people to know that they can still cheat the system. Use it at your own risk.

    Views: 1,308
    Tuesday April 4th 2006
    Horse Armor 6:52 pm-
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    The first official Oblivion plugin is out. Horse Armor which for pc users is only $1.99. The official description says:

    Tamriel is a dangerous place. Protect your horse from danger with this beautiful handcrafted armor.

    There are two sets of armor you can buy for 500 gold per horse. Only one set of armor can be used on any given horse. You can not change the horses armor after you pick it. Here are the screen shots showing both armor types Steel and Elven:

    Steel 1 Steel 2
    Elven 1 Elven 2

    For those wondering you get a “Oblivion Product Activation Key” that you have to enter in to get the plugin to install. Two other plugins are advertised on the official plugin site with a release date of coming soon.

    Harness the power of the stars. Rebuild the defiled Orrery and unlock the secrets of this Mages Guild Inner Sanctum.

    Wizard’s Tower
    In the frozen mountains of Cyrodiil stands Frostcrag Spire, a tower of wonders for your magic-oriented character to call home.

    Orrery should be mentioned because it is in the game now. Except it’s a closed door thats locked and goes no where. So it’s sorta like your paying to finish off the game as it was released. Some may scream foul play on this. Personally I don’t care. What’s a dollar ninety nine?

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