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    Friday October 13th 2006
    The Story So Far 6:01 am-
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    Been a while since I wrote. A recap is on order I imagine. All links open in a new window (tab).

    Everything really started when they hired a female night auditor that made more than me. Which pissed me off enough to file an Equal Pay Act complaint against the worst hotel ever. Meanwhile the higher paid night auditor had some issues doing her job. Then I went on vacation. While on vacation I published two articles looking at the worst hotel ever’s owners and managers. My vacation ended and the next day I’m “fired” over the phone.

    For the next week and a half I drink lots of beer, apply at a number of places, file for unemployment, and update my compliant against the worst hotel ever with the people at the Illinois Department of Labor. I also get my last paycheck and get a copy of my ten page personnel record. The first week of October I’m visited by the police, whom consider me a suspect of a recent robbery at the worst hotel ever. They question me, fingerprint me, and search my house. Around the same time I win my week and a half of unemployment that the worst hotel ever decided to fight.

    Which brings me to right now. I’m working again. As an auditor. I do not wear any red. I wear the blues of the chain I prefer. I’m making more money. This hotel has competent managers and employees. Everyone is kind to each other. And so far I’ve seen no sneaky back stabbing take place. It’s a little strange to work at a place that wants to make money. A place that really cares about the customers. They even pay their bills on time. This hotel is the polar opposite of the worst hotel ever.

    I plan to write more about this new hotel. But it will be positive writing. I can compare the two hotels. I can write about how a real front desk manager acts compared to how the sheriff did things. I can write about the other auditor who does not have bad eyes and studies physics in college. It’s going to be a little weird as I turn into something positive all of the sudden.

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    5 Responses to ''The Story So Far''
    Jill Cummings says:
    October 13th, 2006 at 2:44 pm

    You are pathetic, i was reading your postings about your old job and i am embarrassed for you. you are a pathetic sack of shit, im sorry that you have no life and you have to write a bunch of entries talking about your old job. Who cares?! You have a new job now, so move on…douche bag.

    XOXOXO, Jill

    Gawain says:
    October 13th, 2006 at 5:13 pm

    Isn’t Jill Cummings the name of a pornstar?

    Turk says:
    October 15th, 2006 at 11:52 am

    Lady your entitled to your opinion. Shit in fact I agree with you. Except I’m a small fry when it comes to douche baggery. For professionals on douche baggery call (815) 389-3481. Ask for the General Manager, who is the biggest douche bag I’ve ever met. If the GM is not in ask for the “Head of Operations” who is less of a douche bag and more of a huge pussy.

    Also I’m embarrassed too. That I stayed at the place for so long. So in a lot of ways I agree with everything you have said. But I’m not going to move on. Not until that place get whats coming to them. And that is only a matter of time.

    B Z 99 says:
    October 15th, 2006 at 5:42 pm

    I am so happy for your new job!! I myself start my new job with a GREAT company in our area. It will be so weird like you said working for people who actually care! The years we worked together, I have never seen it this bad. Truthfully, I think its funny because the hotel was better ran when there was no GM then what they have now. I don’t feel sorry for the owners, they will definetly get what’s coming to them! Congrats to you and keep in touch!!!

    Director Of Meeting Sales says:
    November 2nd, 2006 at 5:04 pm

    ok big guy for starters i am so glad you got out of a shit hole of a place i know we worked there way to long…… and trust me when i say this at REAL HOTELS that make money and have repeating business the hotel will give you the world. You are a great person and a great worker i wish i would have pulled you on with my hotel now i’m sorry i didn’t hear about this earlier cause we were looking for some greatnight audit help….. you would be having the time of you life and i really mean that….. your a great friend TURK and i will never forget you i promise…. now in regards to the shit hole. take them for what you can cause those fucks tried to stiff me also. But they are paying for it in the long run…. i already have taken a good portion of there meeting sales cause of the shitty guest services and because of the property in such bad shape…. belive me when i say this big guy that place will not be there to much longer…. the hotel might but the big red (R) on that sign. they are not happy with that property they can’t keep up with brand standered lol…. This is also why the Ramada in jansvile closed there doors they couldn’t match the rev. par. that is standered for there market…. just a little hint on might what happen in the near future…. well i hope you remember who this is cause we need to get together and have a drink or 2 and talk about old times… send me an email or something
    talk to you later
    and i love the new revised web site its great man lol

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