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  • Friday October 6th 2006
    Shithole Robbed, Again 3:02 pm-
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    Man what a day off. Nothing like talking to the man and having your domicile searched.

    The "Good" Cops Card

    Update 4:49 pm
    So as it turns out the shithole that I was fired from was robbed at an undetermined time yesterday supposedly. I have no concrete dates and times because the good cop/bad cop that questioned me didn’t having a fucking clue as they decided it was best to come right away and question me.

    They were following procedures they said in questioning me. They had asked for names of employees recently fired. They were prepared enough when they arrived at my house. One local police car, one county car, and one county van (paddy wagon?). At the station they had also already called in the csi guy to get my finger prints. So excuse me if I don’t believe the “we are following procedure” cover story.

    The questioning was a standard affair. The “good” cop asked the questions and the “bad” cop wrote down what I said. The “bad” cop looked like he was very good at being the tough guy bad cop. The whole questioning revolved around them asking pointed questions all leading up to the same place. As I asked questions back it is revealed that computer equipment was stolen.

    So all of the questions of course did lead up to the inevitable end that I’m am a computer guy so I would steal the computers. I was asked what I had access to. I was asked if I had ever been in stuff that I shouldn’t. I was asked if I knew anyone else who would be disgruntled enough to steal from work. Which I replied everyone who works there, past and present.

    The whole thing was rather scary. If it is as I suspect and I was point blank accused of stealing the shitholes fucked up computer. I don’t know of anyone stupid enough to want to steal those shitty virus ridden computers. I wouldn’t that much is fucking certain. I’m sure as shit not going to keep the shit I stole at my house. More than anything I took that as an insult to my intelligence.

    Let me be perfectly clear that there is nothing I want from that hotel. The only thing that will please me is to hear that the place went out of business. I would smile if I heard that something very fucking horrible happened to either the gm or the sheriff. I won’t waste my time wishing for their demise. In good time every one of those worthless cocksuckers will get whats coming to them. Some sooner than others.

    Since getting a new job I was ready to forget about filing my complaint against the hotel regarding the Equal Pay Act. But now I’m more than ready to take this complaint stuff to the bitter fucking end. I’m also going to use the Freedom of Information Act to get copies of the police report concerning this matter they felt I was worth talking to about. I’ll post that info here when I get it.

    Views: 1,643
    October 2006
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