There is a new poll down there. It asks the simple (yet loaded) question: What is the Best Hotel brand? Two choices. One of the few times brand names will ever appear here on this website. Either Holiday Inn or Ramada Inn. Pick the hotel you would stay at. I’m very interested to see what public opinion is on these brands. So scroll down a little and vote! If you have something to share about either of these brands leave a comment.
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Historic Footnote
This day was my first day at the new hotel.
My opinions of both Ramada and Holiday Inn have changed drastically since 1995 or so. At that point, I would’ve ranked Ramada near Radisson in the upper-mid class and choose to stay in a Ramada over a Holiday Inn almost everytime. Holiday Inn seemed like a lower-class brand. In the last 5 years or so, Holiday Inn seems to have really turned itself around, and I prefer them and their brands to Ramadas.
I don’t think Holiday Inn is the best brand as your poll asks, but they outrank Ramada.
For what it’s worth, I work for one of the nicer limited-service chains (cough*based in metro Dallas*cough).