Today is payday. Today is extra special because it’s the last time I have to set foot in that poor dilapidated building. The last time I ever have to see those assholes that work there. As per the usual incompetence of that hotel, I of course had no check waiting for me. The sheriff being a hell of a nice guy was able to wrangle out my last check from the foreign gentleman that does accounting now. It is of note that my last check had only my first name printed on it. Even at the bitter end these people fuck it up.
While I waited for the foreign gentleman to print my check I was able to get a copy of my Personnel Record as per the Personnel Record Review Act. And just so the lardass in the secretary’s office stays informed, below is the bit that says nothing about one asking nicely for a copy of his file:
Every employer shall, upon an employee’s request which the employer may require be in writing on a form supplied by the employer, permit the employee to inspect any personnel documents which are, have been or are intended to be used in determining that employee’s qualifications for employment, promotion, transfer, additional compensation, discharge or other disciplinary action.
My Personnel Record is below. All ten pages. None of which are writeups, discharge papers, or other disciplinary actions. The reason for my firing remains that the mysterious “powers to be” decided “the morale of the team would be better without me.”
For the rest click the read more link.

Looks like you got’em now. Of course they have a right to employ who they want, but without a record of any disciplinary action, they sure can’t contest a unemployment claim. Further the late check following termination would be a violation, I’m sure. Adding to this the termination following your exposure of their illegal practices and your complaint about unlawful employment practices sure makes it interesting.
I’ll bet these guys even vote republican!