Interested in another persons take on the goings on at the hotel I work at? Want to an inside look directly on how the place is managed? Then ladies and gentlemen I present to you the first four parts of TT’s account of her less than two weeks working at that hotel:
And just to wet your whistle to get you to click those links here is an excerpt from day one describing the Accounting Manager? that trains her:
She deletes phone messages from creditors, she shreds mail, she throws important documents relating to state and federal payroll taxes? in a file she calls stuff I don’t handle?. She is an angry employee? who hides it and has been operating like this for a long time. I help her open the mail and we get a notice that the power is going to be shut off in 2 days. Now this to me is funny. I open more mail, we bounced some checks I see, we are having our phones disconnected, we owe back taxes, shit is getting deeper. Didn’t the City give us $400,000 3 years ago? She takes the big stack of bills that came in the mail and puts them on top of a pile on top of a filing cabinet. What are you going to do with them? I ask. Nothing, she says.
With any luck we I’ll be able to put the rest of this when she gets it to me.
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