The Equal Pay Act of 2003 prohibits employers with four or more employees from paying unequal wages to men and women for doing the same or substantially similar work, requiring equal skill, effort, and responsibility, under similar working conditions for the same employer in the same county, except if the wage difference is based upon a seniority system, a merit system, a system measuring earnings by quantity or quality of production, or factors other than gender.
So I make 8.75 and two new hires make over 1.25 more than me. Does anyone think that the above law applies to my situation? I think it does. Guess what? The people at the Illinois Department of Labor think so as well:
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So now all I do is download the pdf and print it out at work, fill it out at work, and finally mail it out at work on their dime. So either I get a raise or the new ladies get a pay cut? Either way it only seems fair.