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  • Friday August 4th 2006
    In The End 1:29 am-
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    The Highlander Movie taught me one thing: in the end, there can be only one. "Look out for number one" is another saying that does not involve cutting off peoples' heads. At this point and time I need to be thinking about me. The number one thing is my happiness. That's my goal. Pretty simple. But right now I'm not even close to that goal.

    The hotel is always blocking my goal of happiness. It sucks the life from me and I let it do so. I think I've finally woken up. Here is why: the night auditor hired to replace the lady quitting on the 10th of this month is making ten dollars a hour. The last raise I got put me up to 8.75 a hour. That was well over 5 years and 6 months ago. Which really confuses me. I've been here longer than any of the current managers. I have not missed a day in ten years.

    So why don't I make what the new people get? What is my sin that I get paid 1.25 less than them? Is it this website and my attitude? Is it that I expect managers to show some common courtesy to their employees that makes me such a bad employee? If you listen to Some Guy I'm not even fit to work in the industry. Again, because I speak up about the things that I see are wrong? I'm a bad hotel employee because I expect these things that I see wrong to be fixed?

    And because of these beliefs/ideals of mine I deserve to make 8.75? I'm not worth any more is that it? Some new person that I doubt will stick around as long as me gets 10 bucks to start. That's fair I suppose isn't it? I tell you what is going to be fair. August 10th the one lady quits. Also on that day the sheriff goes on vacation. With any amount of luck I am going to do my damnedest to quit that day. It's only fair that I repay the hotel the same loyalty it shows me.

    I told the sheriff in the beginning I would not give two weeks notice and I have every intention of upholding that. It's the least I could do. If I get my way this is what I'm going to do. On the 10th I'm going in at 11pm as per the usual. After the second shift person leaves I'm going to call the gm in his hotel room and tell him he has 5 minutes to come down and take over. Five minutes later I'm leaving. If the gm is down at the desk or not I'm gone. It will have been a long time coming. And yes it's a cheap, childish thing to do. I don't care. It's going to make me feel good.

    I'm going to track my progress to the deadline on the 10th here on my site. I'm going to write about it in every detail. The places I go to apply at, my resume, anything that provides information on my progress towards my deadline of the 10th. I have a lot of work ahead of me and I'll need all the luck I can get.

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    August 2006
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