A a guy named Some Dude posted this comment. Every now and then I get one of these. But this is supposedly from fellow night auditor. So much for solidarity huh? Now really quickly I’ll answer each point of his message and then we will look at just possibly who and where Some Dude is, just to give a comparisons between the two of us night auditors.
I am astonished that you haven’t been fired!
Honestly this is the only point I agree with you on.
The attitude conveyed on your site doesn’t seem congruent to the type of attitude needed for the hospitality industry.
Well fuck me you are way to smart for me man. I don’t think I could even use conveyed and congruent in the same sentence.
I am a night auditor because I choose and love to do it.
Believe it or not I also am a night auditor because I choose and love to do it. You may find that hard to believe. But it is true. Perhaps you should read over this site again and see if you can get a clearer picture of what I deal with at my hotel.
It seems you are soo miserable; if so, why not find another occupation?
As stated before I love my job. I even love the hotel I’m at. It’s not me, it’s the clueless owners and managers that make me miserable. I was there first. So I expect them to get their shit together and start running the place the way I see it should be run. Which even if my idea of how a hotel should be run is totally wrong, can the chaotic mess these people are causing be the right way? You will have to let me know about that Some Dude.
Some Dude let’s take a look at him now. Here is his ip. This ip is tied into the first. Which makes me wonder why such an exemplary auditor would be doing google searches for night auditor blog while on the clock at such a nice hotel. Did you read enough to make your opinion of me? I think your more than just a night auditor. Perhaps you are also a Night Manager? Come on you can admit it. Don’t you think your entire statement is suspect just because of your manager status. You managers are in some sacred brotherhood I sometimes think. You all got to stick together and fight the evil injustice that I represent?
That maybe a tad melodramatic but it’s funny how every manager I get tends to disagree with my views on my hotel. Perhaps you should join in the discussion of night audit in my forums. You will see a different face that the auditors wear over at NightAudit.com. Maybe we could even discuss these topics further. Because I feel like trying to explain myself if you really are a fellow night auditor. So that jut maybe we could win you over to our brotherhood.