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    Thursday July 13th 2006
    Times Up 3:44 am-
    Categories Bad Hotel Permalink Permalink
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    I make eight dollars and seventy five cents a hour. I've not received a raise in over five years. That's half a decade. I've been told that is a long time to go without getting a raise. I'm also told quite often that I should have my head examined for still working at the hotel. For this half decade it's not really bothered me all that much. It's not bothered me because I knew that the hotel was not getting it's 8.75 a hour from me. If they are lucky they get about 1.25 a hour from me any given night.

    This all changed late sunday/early monday. You see not only did I not give them a full days wage I also played computer games every night at work. It ended when Node 1 died. Which it's not very surprising when you look at how the hotel handles computers. How any of these computers have lasted as long as they did is nothing but luck. When we got WinPM we received 8 computer systems. We now have 2 or 3 left running. I've often told these stupid fucks what they need to do. They choose not to listen to me. Which is fine. Let their retarded "IT" guy handle this shit.

    So I played games. I played a lot of games. I played EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft, and City of Villains at work. Each night I played these games for just about the entire 8 hours. It's what made having this crap job ok. It's why I didn't mind making only 8.75 for the last 5 years. Where else could I get a job were the bosses are so dumb that they let the employees play computer games all night? It's even worse when you realize that the management had no clue I was doing so. Nor could they stop me if they wanted to.

    But now this job just isn't good enough. The lack of raises has finally caught up with me. I can go and find another job and get payed more to do the same (no games) thing. Why settle for this piece of shit job now? It's not like these clueless fucks at work even give a shit. So while I go from playing computer games all night I now will be getting my resume put together and be using work time to look for a new job. It also means I have more time to work on my website. Which is the next best thing to playing games at work.

    It just feels like my time is up. My time has been up for a long time. I've just postponed it. Maybe in august I will do the unexpected. Next month is special because that is when the lady who does the audit on the weekends is supposed to quit. It would be rather satisfying to quit at the same time just to really fuck them over good. No two weeks notice either. Eight dollars and seventy five cents a hour doesn't get them a two weeks notice. At 8.75 they would count themselves lucky if I called them up in the middle of then night to say go fuck yourselves. Nope I'm going to leave nice and quiet. When the times up.

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    2 Responses to ''Times Up''
    Turk says:
    July 13th, 2006 at 10:46 pm

    i’m going to sound lile a broken record but why the heck did you write what you did on july 13th; you know the gm reads your web page i can only imagine ( it doesn’t take much effort) what he’ll think if he reads it he may be as blunt as you moreover you tell him outright,even make confessions,that you’re a bad employee are you trying to get him to fire you

    i’ve got to the point when i read your blunt comments that i think that you should just quit your job it may put me in a spot but if i have to i’ll get a part time job i always wondered what kind of teacher i might be what better way to find out than by substitute teaching my b.a. qualifies me to do that now

    meanwhile you could look for another job more to your liking to help me out you could start mowing grass here and at my grandma’s

    i always knew it was too good tobe true to not have a job to get through as best as ican i figure i’m just marking time

    so think about it

    Turk says:
    July 14th, 2006 at 1:20 am

    you tell him outright,even make confessions,that you’re a bad employee

    I don’t consider myself a bad employee. I’m a good employee who works for bad owners/managers.

    are you trying to get him to fire you


    i’ve got to the point when i read your blunt comments that i think that you should just quit your job it may put me in a spot but if i have to i’ll get a part time job i always wondered what kind of teacher i might be what better way to find out than by substitute teaching my b.a. qualifies me to do that now

    Not ready to quit. When I do quit I’ll have a job. Anyway you talked me out of quiting when I wanted to just say fuck it. It will be fine.

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