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    Friday June 16th 2006
    Camelot Still 11:01 am-
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    I’m playing Dark Age of Camelot still. So last time I wrote about DAoC I was a dirty Mid like Gawain. Well I’ve jumped ship and deleted my two mids. I’m now an Alb again:

    Turkus Shakespeare Yurkus Shakespeare

    Which was something I didn’t want to do. Not really at least. Believe or not I miss my dirty mids. But as much as I hate starting over there is no way I’m deleting again to go back to the Mid side of Lamorak. I still miss my horse.

    tkdQykIdM F r nzYwZahoQ
    Views: 1,056
    Saturday June 17th 2006
    Bad Who 5:49 pm-
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    Those British lads at the Something Awful Forum are indicating this new episode of Doctor Who is very bad:

    Boomtown Bad

    I’m in the process of downloading it right now. The SA goons are usually right on the money about this stuff. I’m really beginning to loose hope for the future of Doctor Who.

    So it was really fucking bad. So bad it made you want to just shut it off. Once again one of the SA Forum goons sums it up best:

    You know, this wouldn’t have been that terrible as an edition of Confidential, or something I could ignore like the Attack of the Grask or whatever. But it was an official episode of the show. Part clip show, part side story, part fan fiction. All rolled up together in a gigantic ball of extreme suck by that fat, narcissistic, pop-media manwhore, that ignorant, demented, brainless, pile of catfucking shit, Russell T. Davies.

    At this point it really does seem like Davies has become the Berman and Bragga of Doctor Who. So sad.

    Views: 1,403
    Sunday June 18th 2006
    WTF? 8:14 am-
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    Honestly this is beyond fucking insane:


    New York, N.Y., May 25, 2006 – SCI FI Channel announced that World Wrestling Entertainment®, the producer of the No. 1 weekly basic cable TV series, Monday Night RAW on USA Network, will debut a summer series on Tuesday, June 13, at 10 p.m. ET/PT. ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling®) will be an alternative brand of wrestling suited to fit the SCI FI Channel’s commitment to fuel the imagination.

    “Research tells us that there’s a healthy appetite for wrestling among SCI FI viewers,” said Bonnie Hammer, President, USA and SCI FI Channel. “With ECW, we’re able to deliver to those fans unique action with a twist that’s perfect for SCI FI.”

    ECW on SCI FI will push the boundaries of sports entertainment in new and unexpected ways,? said Vince McMahon, Chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment.

    I wish I was making this shit up. This has anything to do with Science Fiction?

    Once again the SA Forum sums it up:

    Fuck them. Seriously. Fuck them with a goddamn rusty jackhammer coated with shards of glass and cheap crack cocaine. “Professional wrestling” is bad enough, but the particularly low-brow sluts, blood, and barbed wire style of show is especially repugnant. There’s no connection to Science Fiction even remotely. The only possible correlation is that both groups of fans are 18-30 year old single males.


    Views: 999
    Monday June 19th 2006
    Flying Horse 1:10 am-
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    This was to funny to not post about. I was doing the first set of Champion Quests for my cleric. I got to the second part where flying demons were supposed to attack and saw this:

    One Two

    I’m sure the horse was a bug. It was just one of those things that made me stop playing for a second and stare in glee. And believe me that doesn’t happen often in Dark Age of Camelot anymore.

    Views: 1,094
    My Night 1:50 am-
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    Was going to “blog” about this but decided it was another time to post a Gawain chat log:

    [01:33] Gawain: what up?
    [01:33] *** Auto-response sent to Gawain: Yeah I’m playing Dark Age of Camelot at work! You think those assholes pay me enough to do work?
    [01:34] Turk: hey
    [01:34] Turk: I had a drunk I called the cops on
    [01:35] Turk: guy just looked fucking odd
    [01:35] Turk: set off my spidey sense
    [01:35] Gawain: lol
    [01:35] Turk: turns out the guy was like drunk I’m going to die drunk
    [01:35] Gawain: nightauditey sense?
    [01:35] Turk: yeah
    [01:35] Turk: so I may have saved the guys life
    [01:35] Turk: plus the dumb fuck had a warrant
    [01:36] Turk: so the moral of this story is don’t call the night auditor 5-10 times in a 2 minute time period

    Honestly folks if you have a warrant out on yourself try not to annoy the disgruntled night audit guy. Because when you call down six times and the first time you worry about being a pain in the ass and the audit guy say no of course your not a pain in the ass. Well guess what? You are a pain in the ass.

    Views: 1,370
    Friday June 23rd 2006
    Prey Demo 12:09 pm-
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    The Prey demo is out. Do you remember Prey? It’s a game that’s been in development almost as long as Duke Nukem Forever. It’s expected out around July. Here are some screen shots from the demo:

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six
    Seven Eight

    It’s a lot of fun. More fun than I have had with a fps in a long time. Prey has more than a little of that Duke Nukem feel to the game, which is not a bad thing. The use of portals and gravity make this one unique. It was a little weird to see yourself through a portal the first time. It’s been a long time that a demo has influenced my purchases. I’m looking forward to this getting in stores.

    NwpmePw cv
    Views: 1,304
    Tuesday June 27th 2006
    Robbed 1:35 am-
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    You just can’t buy this kind of bad press:

    Police seek two in armed robbery
    South Beloit police are looking for two men who robbed the Shithole Hotel early Sunday morning. According to police reports, the desk clerk said a black man carrying a long-barreled shotgun approached the desk from the north hallway at 1:02 a.m., pointed the gun in her face and demanded money. She gave him money and noticed a second black man standing around the corner, who then also approached the desk.

    All of this I personally find very funny. When I got robbed back in the day we had cops doing security. Which makes this post even more of a “I Told You So” than before.

    One thing worth mentioning (for comedy value alone) is that after I was held up the hotel management at the time decided to install four cameras. Two of these cameras look at the front desk area, One looks in back at the drop box, and one looks at the first floor pop machines. The idea was that the cameras would stop anyone from robbing the hotel. Which up until now it did I suppose.

    Being as old as this camera system is the recording device is just a vcr. Now this thing will record about 24 hours a tape I believe. When you watch it time is played back at faster pace so it all looks like some bad black and white keystone cop movie. But on the night of robbery there was no tape in the vcr. Which one has to wonder just how incompetent is the hotel management that they can’t put a blank tape in the vcr?

    Lets go back to the Security topic again. Now the two guys had a shotgun. What would the hotel engineer (yes it’s still the hotel engineer doing security) do if he happened to come up while the place was getting robbed? At the most the guy has his tool belt and maybe pepper spray. The guy also is one of those guys that wants to be a cop. So the guy would have most likely got himself and possibly the desk clerk hurt.

    Is the money the hotel is saving by not having cops security worth risking it’s hotel employees? Because that’s the way I see it. These cheap fucks are even too stupid to figure out that all the cops wanted was a raise or two now and then to make them happy. A month later and a fucking engineer is still doing security on the weekends? According to the gm engineering was a “temporary solution”. Does it take a month or more to get rentacops? I’m starting to think that this is just how it is now. Which really is sad.

    Views: 1,047
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