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    « Previous
    Monday May 1st 2006
    This And That 7:36 am-
    Categories Doctor Who Permalink Permalink
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    Anyone else (specifically diehard Star Trek fans) think that Russell T Davies is turning into the Doctor Who equivalent of Berman and Bragga? I’m just to tired to even go into a long winded spiel. This below was to funny to pass up posting:

    Who Graph

    And to top it all off how about Tom Baker Says?

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    4 Responses to ''This And That''
    gawain says:
    May 2nd, 2006 at 4:22 pm

    I don’t understand your graph. Average Doctor?

    Turk says:
    May 2nd, 2006 at 4:41 pm

    Anyone other than Colin Baker. It’s really only funny to people who can name and knows who all the actors are that played the Doctor.

    Turk says:
    May 3rd, 2006 at 11:57 pm

    Well here in the north PBS played all of the ones that were available on tape. The only ones I have never seen are those that were thrown out back in the 70’s when the BBC cleaned house one day.

    Tom Baker was the Doctor for a lot of Americans. Because most places probably only paid for those shows. Baker was also the longest running Doctor clocking in at a little over seven years.

    The Ninth Doctor only lasted the one season. The actor Christopher Eccleston was afraid of being type casted as the Doctor. Which isn’t something new really. A few before him have had the same fears.

    Kiltorn says:
    May 3rd, 2006 at 11:27 pm

    I only really saw the ones that had Tom Baker in them, dont think any other episodes played, on what ever channel it was. Thats only Doctor I can recall though, and looking at the new ones, they killed the guy off in one season? Sucks for him.

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