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  • Thursday April 20th 2006
    Accuracy And Integrity? 7:30 am-
    Comments Comments (3) Categories Bad Hotel Permalink Permalink
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    It’s not often that I’m called a liar. Basically I wrote something that another employee told me about. The GM Douche Bag of the hotel left this comment:

    Great story, to bad it did’nt happen! For the sake of accuracy and integrity you should check your facts. As a reader I’m concerned that your site has a very narrow view of reality or generally just makes stuff up. To be credable and to keep my interest, lets open a dialogue here and debate the issues. Will you take the challenge?

    No where do I claim that anything on this website (blog!) is the truth. I think that this type of site (whatever type it is) doesn’t really matter if it deals in the truth. In fact most people who come to this site probably don’t care if what I right is fact or fiction. Naturally I replied to the gm with this comment of my own:

    Just makes stuff up? Not from my point of view. This is the second time I let my guard down. From here on in you have to be credible to keep my interest.

    When I got in tonight I was told by the employee working that the gm had checked my site only to find that the hotel’s ip was blocked. The gm supposedly made a comment along the lines of “I guess I offended him.” Kinda sorta I suppose you did. But then kinda sorta you didn’t. I’m just able to do that kind of thing if I want to. Blocking ip addresses is just a defense mechanism.

    Anyway let me do a quick blow by blow me responding to the gm’s comment. First up:

    Great story, to bad it did’nt happen! For the sake of accuracy and integrity you should check your facts.

    Welcome to the internet! Accuracy and integrity are something members of the press have to worry about. I don’t check my facts. If it sounds good I write about it. I think that your biased in the accuracy and integrity department as your the general manager of the hotel I work for. Bad press is still bad press even on the net. Which brings us to this comment:

    As a reader I’m concerned that your site has a very narrow view of reality or generally just makes stuff up.

    As a reader? Again I think your just a little biased worrying about my narrow view of reality since your the general manager of the hotel. I do admit the making stuff up thing did hurt. But again no where in my blogging handbook does it say I have to to write the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I deal with my opinion on things and second hand stories passed on to me by disgruntled employees. Next is the my favorite part:

    To be credable and to keep my interest, lets open a dialogue here and debate the issues. Will you take the challenge?

    Not to be a real pain in the ass nitpicker, but I think one should be able to spell credible before they even try to accuse someone else of not being credible. An open dialogue debating the issues here on my website? You forget that I deal in lies and that generally I have a narrow view of reality. Why on earth would I want to debate anything with you? I have nothing to debate. As I see it that hotel is broken. I’ve been there just a tad bit longer than you so I believe that entitles me to my opinion of things as I see it.

    So no debate with me. Fix the hotel. Your in the position to do so. Get that place to treat employees like human beings. Show them some respect. And just maybe start giving out some raises. The only direction the hotel will go is down as long as you let the hotel’s employees be treated like indentured servants. Now feel free to openly discuss this here on my site. You have a chance to play pr to the people that do happen to read this that know exactly what I’m talking about. I’ll for a civil discussion. But I’m not up for a debate.

    But I’m afraid to say the only way your going to change my lies and my narrow view of reality of the hotel is to change things for the better there. And believe me I’ll let you know when that happens. I’ll know because the other employees tell me their problems. I hear how disgruntled everyone is. I’m just the only one who seems to say anything.

    Views: 1,483
    April 2006
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