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    Tuesday April 11th 2006
    This And That 4:39 am-
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    On an impulse I bought an iPod nano. I also purchased Peter Jackson’s King Kong and a pc game called Space Rangers 2 that I will never play thanks to Oblivion. All of these things I surely don’t need.

    The game is worth mentioning for the fact that it is a turn based strategy game that has gameplay elements including text based games, real time strategy games, and even a little dab of rpgs. For the longest time this game which was developed in Russia previously had to be imported to be able to play it here in the states. It’s been compared to Elite a few times and it’s as open ended as my current obsession Oblivion. Usually I would have screen shots of the game, but as I said I haven’t even installed it yet. But I will get to it.

    Here is a screen shot. It’s a bad screen shot. Space Rangers 2 has StarForce.


    And the game is uninstalled. My new pc started acting weird after it’s install. Which I figure is the result of that fucking virus called StarForce. That’s what I get for not checking the list first.

    The movie. Well shit what can I say? It’s King Kong. Only this time with that Peter Jackson touch. Whatever his touch is. It’s really long. Maybe that’s his touch. Whatever it is, I like it. I’m a softy for the woman destroys the innocent beast story.

    The iPod is something new for me. I’ve never owned anything Apple. So it’s interesting to see how simple yet effective the interface is for this thing. Makes me wish I could have bought that one that does video. My only question on the iPod is how do I get my music off the iPod if I hook it up at work? I can put music on it, just not take it off?

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    4 Responses to ''This And That''
    gawain says:
    April 12th, 2006 at 8:28 pm

    instead of using the stupid Itunes program, just drag your mp3s onto the pseudo drive thing that the ipod puts in your drive list. In this manner it acts like a portable hdd, which it is, however I do not believe you’ll be able to play the songs on the ipod. But once you get to work, just jack the thing in and remove them, again like a hdd. you can actually transfer anything this way, not just mp3s. kinda cool.

    shoulda got the one with the video. its really nice. crystal damn clear. Hell, I can read subtitles on the damn screen.

    and I do!

    Turk says:
    April 12th, 2006 at 10:05 pm

    shoulda got the one with the video. its really nice. crystal damn clear. Hell, I can read subtitles on the damn screen.

    Easy for you to say Mr Big Bucks IRS Man.

    gawain says:
    April 13th, 2006 at 4:37 pm

    Nigga, please.

    Turk says:
    April 17th, 2006 at 12:21 am

    BTW, to fix your starforce problem: Uninstall the game. Clear out all and every trace of starforce. Then, install the game BUT DON’T RUN IT. Get Reloaded’s No-CD patch (available on MegaGames, I think) and run that rather than the original game .exe Now, starforce won’t install and you shouldn’t have any problems. You see, the game doesn’t install starforce during installation, but only when you first run the game. Reloaded’s patch gets rid of the code that tells it to install starforce so it just stays dormant on the CD!

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