Comments (1) Bad Hotel Permalink
As promised in this post here is the exploit for the software called TimeClock Plus:
Click To Play or Right click and Save.
Windows Encoding. Only 766.46 kb
[drain file 41 show]
Honestly now I warned those assholes about doing this. See they got it in their head that the old fucked up time clock that you actually punch a card is no longer good enough. So these tools went and “purchased” this software called TimeClock Plus. Check this screen shot to see what kind of computer they run it on.
The program itself is nice enough. It’s just not secure. Sure they have some stupid thumb print scanner doohickey hooked up via usb that reads your finger print to clock in. It just defeats the whole security idea when all it takes to cheat the system is to change the system time on the pc. Change the time ahead or even go back in time to punch in days past.
Let me be clear and say that I would neither use nor endorse the use of this kind of cheat. I just figured it was a good time to point out again that I am right and the hotel is wrong. This is just here for people to know that they can still cheat the system. Use it at your own risk.