I just got a call. I’m at work remember. I answer with my spiel. I’m not even certain I gave them my name. It’s a habit of mine not to. The person on the phone (a female) asks: “is this Turk?” So of course that’s something that is one of my worst nightmares. Honestly. Unless I know the person that’s just not a name I’m going to answer to in the real world.
And for fucksake I’m not going to answer to that name while I’m on the clock at the shithole. It’s cool and all that people know I’m the Hotelblues.com guy. Shit I may have even known the chick on the phone. But it just isn’t something I’m going to answer to. I like having my site. I like being known for it. I’m just not going to advertise the fact in the real world like that. Maybe I’m way to paranoid.
For me though it’s always been important to keep the hotel and my website separated in the real world. Sure I write about the place. Yeah I hammer on the idiots I work with. I like the little anonymity that I have. The thought of guests viewing my site is something I’ve always been not to keen on. And a person calling in asking about rooms makes me think thats a potential guest. As much as my ego wants to say “fuck yeah I’m Turk” I won’t.
So in the future I would suggest those of you who know me that call me at work asking about rooms prices to not ask me if I’m Turk ok? If you know me use my real name. Because if your looking for cheap rooms calling me Turk isn’t going to get you jack shit.
Okay, Turk.
Sorry about that, but to me you will ALWAYS be the cutest damn Turk around (and probably the only one at that!!).
I should have given you the shit right back.. LOL
Love ya anyway!!!!!!!!!
So can I now get some cheap rooms, or what? :-)
This has been paid for through a grant by the FuckedHotel.com foundation. :D
I thought that was you. Just wasn’t positive. Yeah you can have cheap rooms.
You are the best Turk…
Talk to you soon…..
Hold on a sec. What if we call you “Lord High Potentate?” does that get us cheap rooms?
Would you like to be called “mayo” instead? If anybody would like the story behind that name i need fifty dollars in untraceable bills sent to fuckthemall.com! :)
Mayo heh. Mayo has been mentioned a few times. No need to spend 50 dollars. It’s just one of many high school era nicknames I’ve had.