On Monday the 27th of February in the Year of Our Lord 2006 the idiot punched in at 6:59 am. This is a very note worthy event, one that needs to be documented. For I have had an epiphany and Jesus himself came before me in the form of a mouse. Oh thank you lord for this miracle!
One has to start to question the divine when such forces of nature like the idiot show up early. Even if it is just one minute early. This is all I have ever wanted. I’ve tried many tactics to get this point to hit home with the idiot. Writing about it here on my website. Which later rewarded me with a limp dicked half-assed threating phone call. After that I switched to Plan B. Which was even simpler and it is what I should have done all along.
At 7:00 am I punch out and I leave the hotel. I don’t care if the idiot is there or not. My schedule clearly states that I work 11:00 pm to 7:00 am. I go by the time clock here at work. Which is now only two minutes ahead of real time. I honestly don’t see it being to unreasonable to ask that people come in on time. Especially when your given a head start. But it matters not.
No one in management even knew I was doing this. No one told me to stop. No one asked me why I was leaving when no one was here to replace me. I had to inform those clueless chuckleheads on just what exactly I was doing. It’s funny how you tell the right person and you get some results. Although I am getting ahead of myself.
It is yet to be seen if this miracle repeats its self this morning. This could all be for naught. Perhaps if Our Lord Jesus appears again tonight I will know that it is the miracle I suspect it to be. Jesus incidentally appears here at the hotel as a mouse. Which in retrospect it probably is just a mouse and not the Lord and Savior.
Either way I have decided to name the mouse Jesus. If it starts shitting all over behind the front desk I may have to do like the romans. But I’m quite positive that Jesus will be with the hotel for awhile. I can count on that better than any hope that the idiot continues to come in on time or early.