My site is eight years old today. For the first time since eight years ago I am launching a new website. A sister site to this one in a sense. One that is a blatant attempt to cash in. Dreams of hearing the cha-ching of virtual cash registers. But more on that later. I often wonder what good having this site has done me. I often wonder why I continue to go on.
The only answers I come up with is that this website (blog jesus I give up) is a direct result of my muse the hotel. No hotel, no website. And the hotel makes it so easy to do whatever it is I do here. I only wish that my tales of idiot’s and sheriff’s were made up. Unfortunately for the shithole it is all 100% truth. At least as I see it.
As I have hinted at the last few posts I have started up a secondary website. The purpose of this site is the blatant goal of making money. MyBossIsAPussy.com should be live by the time you read this. It will the business front of this movement of mine to stick it to the bosses of just about any business that their lowly employees who happen to purchase a shirt or two. Very soon we hopefully will have some actual products for people to buy. So in the meantime it’s just another blog (god I hate that word) for people to visit. Stop by there and leave a comment about what you think of this crazy venture of mine.