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    Sunday January 29th 2006
    MyBossIsAPussy.Com 10:48 pm-
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    It has been foretold:

    [13:42] Turk: www.mybossisapussy.com I think that is open hahahaha!!
    [13:42] Gawain: oh jesus
    [13:42] Turk: I’m going to make it my alt url
    [13:42] Turk: heh
    [13:43] Gawain: I dunno. what if your boss gets fired or quits? then you’re stuck with a site that doesn’t apply anymore. its too specific.
    [13:43] Turk: a line of tshirts
    [13:43] Turk: fame and fortune!
    [13:43] Turk: theres are ip
    [13:44] Turk: domain is open
    [13:44] Turk: we sell shirt with whatsitcalled at first
    [13:45] Turk: and if it hits we look into a cheaper means with more profit
    [13:45] Turk: what guy/girl who works for some schmuck not want a shirt like that?
    [13:45] Gawain: I think you lose your job if you do that.
    [13:46] Turk: well
    [13:46] Gawain: though I admire your ability to be an asshole. : )
    [13:46] Turk: me?
    [13:46] Turk: come on it’s a cash cow
    [13:46] Gawain: I will design shirts if you get the domain.
    [13:46] Turk: it gets picked up by a big site and the orders come in
    [13:46] Turk: ok
    [13:55] Turk: fuck it I’m doing it
    [13:56] Gawain: lol
    [13:56] Gawain: goddamn dude, you really hate that guy
    [13:57] Turk: I hate all bosses
    [13:57] Turk: yours, mine, everyone
    [13:57] Turk: anyway
    [13:57] Turk: I don’t hate him
    [13:57] Turk: thats another shirt all together
    [13:57] Turk: my boss is a pussy
    [13:57] Turk: simple as that
    [13:57] Turk: holy crap I’m insane
    [13:58] Gawain: its true.

    Insane? Yes I am. But I’m just following the gods wishes.

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    4 Responses to ''MyBossIsAPussy.Com''
    Gawain says:
    January 29th, 2006 at 11:56 pm

    heh. I love when you do that copy/cut/paste shit of our conversations. It makes me seem witty. Not mentioned here? 25 mentions of the word “boobies.”

    Turk says:
    January 30th, 2006 at 12:12 am

    heh. I love when you do that copy/cut/paste shit of our conversations.

    Well you are witty. I just capture it in time. That and fuel your wit. I’m just the Costello to your Abbot.

    Not mentioned here? 25 mentions of the word “boobies.�

    24. Your off on your count.

    Turk says:
    January 31st, 2006 at 5:21 am

    gawain is telling you something but you’re not listening you’re
    too steamed up to see straight it’s just a job why take it to heart
    sshit why feel anything about it nor is it right to call others
    idiots it’s too small minded too blunt you’re trying to hurt
    specific persons on purpose finally i get the impression you envy
    the sheriff you want to be sheriff yourself i’m probablely writing
    in one ear and out the other but had to say my piece get a
    thesaurus and look up a less harsh word than idiot what about
    ingenue or natural old term for simpleton suggestions if nothing
    else it’d expand your vocabulary

    Turk says:
    January 31st, 2006 at 5:25 am

    Your right pop. I do envy the sheriff. I sorta of feel hurt that they picked this guy over me. It should have been my job. So yeah I agree with you. And I am trying to hurt those people. It’s all I can do. I’m determined to make the sheriff do his job. One way or another. So yeah in one ear and out the other is right.

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