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  • Monday January 23rd 2006
    They Suck 4:07 am-
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    The hotel sucks so bad. How bad? I’m glad you asked. Where to start?

    Paying bills. They don’t. Well they do only after they have put it off for as long as they possibly can. They dodge phone calls of people looking for money. They get faxes wanting bills payed. It goes so much farther than that unfortunately. When you check in your given a key. The key comes in this little red key holder. Inside this little guy they list 5 bullet points. The big one is:

    • High speed wireless internet

    This is one of those features every hotel really must have to please the business traveler guest. It took the shithole forever to get it. It lasted a month. The local cable company had to pull the plug because (can anyone guess?) the hotel didn’t pay the bill. Which on a related subject I’m glad that it wasn’t that they had caught on to me playing City of Villains at work.

    And I could go on and on about these fucking deadbeats that run/own this hotel. But I would rather talk about the amazing person I call the sheriff. The sheriff is now the head of operations of the shithole. This douche bag gets a promotion for not doing dick? Hurray for the sheriff! Honestly what in the name of whatever god you worship has this person done to deserve this promotion?

    I tell you what the sheriff hasn’t done. Well nothing. Besides being the biggest pussy to hold the job this person does none of the duties as I see they should. Yeah it’s all my opinion here people. But as I see it the issues with the idiot desk clerk one should have been handled a long time ago. Only at this hotel can you come into work everyday and not get in trouble. But it so much worse than that. The sheriff also likes to shirk their responsibilities to actually come into work. One of the good employees (one of two) had to work sixteen hours yesterday. Because of idiot two not coming in when it had been agreed that certain schedule changes would be made.

    The sheriff also didn’t come in on a day he was scheduled (yesterday) which would have helped the good employee if he had came in to work. Which it is a very amusing coincidence that the pool is closed over the weekend (broken pipe never going to be fixed) and no guest were told when they checked in over the weekend. Who did a lot of the checking in? The sheriff. So is it a big surprise when the sheriff doesn’t come in on sunday when all of these pissed off people checked out? I think not.

    And I’m afraid it’s much worse than that. The hotel is getting split up. So the rooms, restaurant, and banquet hall are going to be separate entities. Which to my mind is just nothing but bad. It means that the place can start to be sold off bit by bit. Rumors have it that this has already happened to the restaurant and banquet hall. How much longer before the hotel end of things is sold or closed even? I say the time is good to be getting. That everyone who has any sense should start looking elsewhere for a job. I know I am.

    Views: 1,048
    January 2006
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