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    Thursday December 15th 2005
    Respect 12:47 am-
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    It’s funny the things I hear from the employee’s that are not trying to dig their head up the managers ass. I hear about low morale and I hear about a general disdain for their workplace. It’s really a shame of what this hotel has become. As the title suggests this post is about respect, or the lack of it. Respect is something that goes both ways. What is respect exactly? Just so we all are clear on the matter. Wikipedia says:

    Respect is the objective, unbiased consideration and regard for the rights, values, beliefs and property of all people.

    Now I’m a firm believer that respect is something that is earned. It’s not something that can be given away freely. At the hotel I’m of the opinion that my respect is not something I give out with the other party really deserving it. Respect for others will override my mercenary attitude when it all comes down to it. This is something few people understand.

    My boss (the sheriff) doesn’t seem to understand any of this. The other person that does audit has had her vacation approved. Now this in it’s self does not bother me. She’s a good worker and has earned the vacation time. Now me I can’t use the vacation time I’ve earned because theres no one to work the two extra days I need off to have a weeks vacation. God forbid I want to use the full two weeks. It’s even worse how much the sheriff bends his back for the one employee in particular. That person gets every day they ask off for approved. And once again I can’t have my vacation time? It’s all a bunch of shit.

    It’s funny really this subject. The other auditor works weekends, every friday and saturday. When she goes on vacation guess who’s working on friday and saturday? That’s right not me. I don’t really care who works the audit when I’m not there. I don’t give two flying fucks. But it’s not going to be me. And it all comes down to respect. The Sheriff will be working.

    I also hear that the sheriff is afraid of me. Which partly explains why the coward won’t even ask me to work those days when the other auditor is on vacation. It just goes to show what kind of guy the sheriff really is. While I like to rant and rave here on the web there is also my mercenary mentality. I’m all up for overtime. But you got to ask me. And I won’t make it easy either. I shouldn’t have to do all the leg work for a guy.

    It’s about time the sheriff starts actually acting like a manager. He doesn’t know it but him working third shift for the other auditor will give him his “wings”. It’s not much I admit, seeing how every real front desk manager the hotel has had was able to work shifts for their employee’s. In this time and place one has to lower their expectations of the management the hotel gets. But it will be the first managerial thing he’s done that I will approve of. And believe me acting like a pussy isn’t going to earn you any respect from me. I can’t stand cowards. Grow a fucking pair and starting getting some respect.

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